Search Result for “gay love”

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Greatest love of all

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 18/02/2013

» I'm a great believer in love as a wonderful health tonic. Love makes the heart beat stronger, and sends flushes to your skin that no amount of wonder creams can match.


The crying shame

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 14/02/2013

» I always cry at wedding ceremonies, and I think I like doing it. I like it to the point that it has become one of the main reasons to go to a wedding: to cry as a congratulatory gesture to the groom and the bride.


Face the new year with the true you

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 01/01/2013

» Having a nickname has been part of Thai culture for decades. We have everything from a prime minister whose nickname is "Poo" meaning "crab", to a beautiful and famous television star known as "Pancake". My parents' nickname for me is Jeep, as in the tough-running American vehicle.


Function over form in affairs of the family

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 05/12/2012

» My seven-year-old daughter falls into a typical pretty-mirror-image-of-the-absent-father cliche. Brought up by her mother's family, she bears an unmistakable resemblance to her father _ large, deep-set eyes, full lips, and skinny limbs that betray her daily calorie intake, let alone the trace of developing rock star cheekbones.


Last in translation

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 15/11/2012

» Everywhere we go, the sound of the global South Korean hit Gangnam Style seems to creepily follow us.



Take good care of Mr Bean's right to insult

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 03/11/2012

» Without a wink, Mr Bean is asking for the right to insult. At Westminster, the King of Caustic Put-Downs and (sometimes, like at the Olympics) the Grand Duke of Fart Jokes, launched a campaign to object to a section of the Public Order Act that, he says, has fostered intolerance and advanced "the creeping culture of censoriousness" by outlawing insults. Startling - for Mr Bean operates in England, the fertile hotbed of sardonic wit, televised mockery and creative foul-mouthedness. Try Southeast Asia, my Duke, my Blackadder, my Johnny English - and you'll choke and churn, roil and run riot. Do less than what you've been doing, and here you'd meet a fate much worse than an Elizabethan dungeon in the Tower of London.


Open Sesame Street: why public TV matters

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 17/10/2012

» As I was listening to the presidential debate back on Oct3, I knew Mitt Romney was going to have it bad when he pledged to cut federal funding for public broadcasting. Oh yes, fans of the cuddly creatures from Sesame Street and other shows on PBS, such as documentaries, are sure to start their hate parade. In fact, there is actually going to be one on Nov 3, called the Million Muppet March, when protesters will gather at the National Mall in Washington, DC, to defend PBS and Sesame Street.


Let me paint you a picture ...

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 27/06/2012

» When Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC) first opened in 2008, I was thrilled that our capital finally had a free-for-all art museum at a prime location like many other cosmopolitan cities. It was definitely good news.


Cooking up a right mess

News, Published on 12/05/2012

» Re: ''Cooked food prices face cuts'' (BP, May 11).


Much ado about nothing

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 02/02/2012

» During the morning news talk show Reung Lao Sao Athit on Channel 3 last Saturday, the presenter reported a story in which a team of policemen led by the outspoken politician Chuwit Kamolwisit shut down a nightclub, Narcissus, located off Sukhumvit Road the previous night. Chuwit, formerly a massage parlour tycoon, claimed the club is known to host secret "drug parties" and was a place "where foreigners assemble for unlawful purposes". However, urine tests on the spot did not return a single person testing positive for drugs.