Search Result for “foreign workers”

Showing 21 - 30 of 82



End jobs for 'Thais only'

News, Editorial, Published on 21/01/2023

» There are quite a few laws and regulations in Thailand that are outdated, if not irrelevant. Among them is the law governing what types of jobs are reserved for Thais only.



More agile Covid curbs needed

News, Editorial, Published on 08/05/2022

» Reports that the government is considering scrapping the Thailand Pass for locals re-entering the country is welcome news as it will eliminate another travel restriction.



Grim road toll stats not enough

News, Editorial, Published on 17/04/2022

» This year's Songkran holidays might have been a bit livelier with return of at least some fanfare and a trickle of foreign tourists, but one thing certainly has continued to put a damper on the festive mood -- the government's grim, if not misguided, obsession with counting road accidents and deaths throughout the holiday period.



Retirement no mere snooze

News, Editorial, Published on 16/01/2022

» On New Year's Day, International Living -- a global travel magazine -- released its annual compilation of the world's best places to retire in 2022. The list, which ranks countries based on a variety of factors such as climate, healthcare, cost of living, housing, ease of acquiring visas, and more, saw Thailand come in at the 11th spot and take top honours in Asia.



Tourist fee could be nail in coffin

News, Editorial, Published on 10/10/2021

» Early last week, news surfaced that the Centre for Economic Situation Administration rubber-stamped a proposal brought by the National Tourism Policy Committee to collect a "small tax" from tourists entering the country, starting in 2022.



Foreign expats' lot a mixed bag

News, Editorial, Published on 19/09/2021

» If the government hopes to entice wealthy expats and skilled professionals into making Thailand their second home, it must first improve the treatment of the millions of foreigners already living in the country.



Fishing sector still 'unclean'

Oped, Editorial, Published on 02/07/2021

» Once again, the Prayut Chan-o-cha government has affirmed its commitment to combatting human trafficking and slave labour.



Make the best of the re-opening

News, Editorial, Published on 13/06/2021

» After much dilly-dallying, the national vaccination programme finally launched last week, with around 400,000 doses administered across the country on the first day alone. With the promised cure now being distributed, the public can now start to see the government's plan for reopening taking shape, improving the general mood and outlook across the country.



Give the homeless fair treatment

News, Editorial, Published on 06/06/2021

» Tomorrow is D-Day for the much awaited state mass Covid vaccination programme. After receiving the first batch of vaccines from AstraZeneca, the government -- which had been attacked for its shambolic vaccine management during the past two months -- seems to be in the driving seat.



Leaky border poses risk

News, Editorial, Published on 24/05/2021

» The alarming report of new Covid-19 variants found in a construction worker camp in Bangkok and in the deep South again shed light on the problem of illegal migration.