Search Result for “family”

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Songkran celebrations continue with Wan Lai Festival

Life, Post Reporters, Published on 18/04/2024

» As Songkran festivities end in most parts of the country, Chon Buri is continuing Thai New Year celebrations with the Wan Lai Festival -- which began on Tuesday and runs until Sunday -- on the mainland and islands.



Message to despots

Oped, Postbag, Published on 02/04/2024

» Re: "Pita 'most favoured' to be next PM: poll", (BP, March 25).



Deepfakes will hijack your brain -- if you let them

News, Published on 22/02/2024

» Realistic AI-generated images and voice recordings may be the newest threat to democracy, but they're part of a longstanding family of deceptions. The way to fight so-called deepfakes isn't to develop some rumour-busting form of AI or to train the public to spot fake images. A better tactic would be to encourage a few well-known critical thinking methods -- refocusing our attention, reconsidering our sources, and questioning ourselves.



Unleashing the power of AI

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 15/01/2024

» The recent launches of more artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled devices, especially PCs and smartphones, provide consumers with AI assistants that will enable them to perform tasks conveniently and efficiently, according to tech analysts.



Henry Kissinger brought Germany redemption

News, Published on 01/12/2023

» His timbre was just one reason I always looked forward to hearing Henry Kissinger, who died yesterday after living a full century, expound on international relations. It was gravelly and deep, and grew only more so over the years. But it wasn't just the voice. It was his unique accent, eccentric to some but strangely familiar to me.



Caption critique

Oped, Postbag, Published on 28/09/2023

» Re: "Caged in a mall", (Opinion, Sept 27).



Social media is just one online habit hurting teens

News, Published on 28/09/2023

» Last spring, my tween was begging for more independence, starting with being allowed to walk home from school alone. The kilometre-plus walk involves crossing a few busy streets. I was hesitant; she doesn't have a phone, so she had no way to contact me if something went wrong. But we practised a few times (with me trailing her a block behind) to be sure she was confident of the route and talked about what she would do in various scenarios. Then, we allowed her to do something that some parents in our uber-connected era might find truly wild: roam free.



We can move to a post-privilege era. Who's first?

News, Published on 06/09/2023

» Privilege is often carved into walls and etched into the landscape.



Riots' deja vu raises the stakes

News, Published on 04/07/2023

» A teenager killed by police in a Paris suburb. A wave of anger that morphs into widespread rioting and opportunistic looting. A tough law-and-order response followed by an appeal for unity and calm -- and a political call for action that fades over time.



Not ready for dystopia

Oped, Postbag, Published on 14/01/2023

» Re: "Five automation predictions for 2023" (Business, Jan 11) and "Five tech predictions for 2023 and beyond" (Business, Jan 10).