Search Result for “drag”

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Words don't come easy to millennials

Life, James Hein, Published on 23/05/2018

» Next time you're in a restaurant or where people gather in small groups, sit and watch for a while. Note how many of the groups are silent, all doing something on their phones. When you find such a group, note how long they go without saying a word to each other. There is an interesting behavioural shift occurring in the phone-enabled world where casual conversation skills are being replaced by surfing, messaging and instant posting. It won't be too long before the best way to find out what the person next to you is thinking is to live feed their Facebook, send them an SMS or Line message, or heaven forbid a tweet.


Of hacking and international cyber affairs

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/12/2016

» According to some reports Russia was the one that hacked into the Clinton servers and arranged the email leaks to get Trump elected. Many of the US security agencies don't agree with this latest assessment. So what do we know? We don't know for example if the servers are running Microsoft or Linux operating systems, if the emails were grabbed in a single block or slowly over time. There is very little info. This is a classic case of one side blaming the other for a result they didn't want, and I suspect that the real story won't come out for some time.


Windows 10 is on its way

Life, James Hein, Published on 17/06/2015

» Windows 10 is coming and if you have seen the little Windows icon in your tray then you can get your upgrade for free. Before you click and accept however, you may want to consider if all the drivers you need for your computer peripherals are available. Printers, scanners and other devices that work perfectly well with Windows 7 and 8 may suddenly stop working if the drivers are not also ready to install. This will also include devices inside laptops like modems and other bits and pieces. For each device visit the appropriate sites and check that there is a Windows 10 driver download ready to go for you 32 or 64 bit operating system upgrade. For something like a notebook I would check with the manufacturer directly to make sure it will work under Windows 10. I have been caught out before with this. You may also want to try the new operating system on someone else's computer to make sure you like the updated look and feel. It appears to be a combination of Windows 7 and 8 styles with a few new bits added so it is trying to be something for everyone, a concept that sometimes works well. It is best to try it first to avoid another OS shock like the many experienced with the change from Windows 7 to 8.x.


OnePlus One is new

Life, James Hein, Published on 04/06/2014

» The OnePlus One is a new Android phone from Oppo Electronics out of China. It sells for US$299 (about 10,000 baht), which puts it under half the price of the big models like the Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One M8. For that price you get the latest Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor, 3GB of RAM, 16GB of storage, a 5.5-inch 1080p IPS screen, 13MP camera, 4G LTE support, Bluetooth 4 and a 3100mAh battery. You also get Gorilla Glass 3 in a polycarbonate shell.


Make your machine quicker and smoother

Database, James Hein, Published on 20/10/2010

» OK, be honest, when was the last time you performed any preventative maintenance on your home Windows machine? I'm guessing quite a while. It's time to grab a couple of utilities and look at speeding your machine up a little.