Search Result for “diabetes”

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Making roads healthier for travel

News, Published on 19/08/2024

» The world's cities are growing, and their roadways are becoming overwhelmed. Motor vehicles are the world's leading cause of death for people between the ages of 2 and 29, killing 1.2 million people and injuring up to 50 million annually, according to the World Health Organization's update on Dec 13, 2023.



Is cannabis a viable health option?

Oped, Published on 17/07/2024

» Cannabis has been known as a herbal plant with psychoactive effects for thousands of years. The herb has been used for both medical and recreational purposes. As the plant is addictive, several countries have categorised it as a narcotic drug.


Public health needs more attention

News, Published on 08/04/2024

» April 7 marks the founding anniversary of the World Health Organization. It was on this day, in 1948, that the WHO constitution came into force for the first time.



How AI could reshape world of medicine

Oped, Published on 19/03/2024

» On a recent international trip, I found myself running late to the airport. Not being fluent in the local language, I used a translation app that enabled me to convey the urgency of my situation to the taxi driver. The app's camera feature also allowed me to understand the road signs, providing real-time updates.


The beauty of intermittent fasting for wellness

News, Published on 08/03/2024

» For the pious, fasting mortifies the flesh to fortify the soul. For those who profess a secular faith, however, fasting has come to be associated with wellness.



Improve care for the elderly in Asia

News, Published on 04/12/2023

» In the delicate balance between the greying demographic landscape and the economic pulse of Asia, a pressing challenge looms large: the continent is ageing at an unprecedented pace.



From eating junk food to hydroponic farming

Oped, Published on 25/11/2023

» I am probably like any other teenager when it comes to food. I just want my hamburger to have crisp lettuce and thick-cut fresh tomato slices. I enter one of the thousands of 7-Eleven's in Bangkok and -- like a magnet -- I am drawn to the rows of well-advertised and brightly coloured packages of fat-filled snacks and artery-clogging sweets.



Improve access to diabetes care

Oped, Poonam Khetrapal, Published on 15/11/2023

» Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people around the world still face significant barriers to accessing diabetes care. The theme for World Diabetes Day 2023, "Access to Diabetes Care", aligns with the World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region's NCD flagship.



World needs rights-based system

Oped, Published on 14/11/2023

» With the world's human population expected to reach a staggering ten billion in the next century, the question of how to achieve food security looms large. The current food system is certainly not up to the task: already, it is failing to ensure that the global population is nourished and contributing to environmental degradation. Radical reform is long overdue.



Digitally connected care for safety

Oped, Published on 19/09/2023

» Patient safety, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is one of the fundamental components in delivering quality healthcare and an important goal towards achieving Universal Health Care (UHC) across the world. Therefore, quality health services should be effective, safe, and patient-centric. To realise the benefits of quality health care, health services must be timely, equitable, integrated, and efficient.