Search Result for “court”

Showing 31 - 40 of 3,209


Beatniks, beards, duffel coats and music

Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/08/2024

» There seems to be daily protests going on around the world including England. It is uncomfortable witnessing in my home country scenes of bricks being lobbed through windows, doors kicked in, businesses boarded up and terrified shopkeepers pulling down the shutters. Thankfully, things appear to have temporarily calmed down and hopefully it will stay that way.



People's Party rises from MFP's ashes

Oped, Chairith Yonpiam, Published on 10/08/2024

» The heavy axe that the Constitutional Court wielded on the Move Forward Party (MFP) earlier this week failed to stop its resurrection on Friday as the People's Party (PP).



Uncharted territory and a case of déjà vu

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 09/08/2024

» Another dissolution of another election winner should feel old in Thai politics. But what happened to Move Forward Party is not just déjà vu but uncharted territory. Its dissolution fits a recurrent pattern of systematic subversion of democratic institutions in favour of autocratic preferences in disregard of the will of the majority. The Constitutional Court's breakup of Move Forward also breaks new ground that is increasingly taking centre stage in Thailand's political landscape.



Court deals blow to progressivism

Oped, Published on 09/08/2024

» The Constitutional Court on Wednesday finally ordered the Move Forward Party (MFP), the winning party of last year's general election, to be dissolved. Eleven executive members face a ten-year ban from politics. The charges and penalty relate to accusations against the MFP's activities and public campaigns to amend Section 112, known as the lese majeste law.



Axeing parties not helpful

Oped, Editorial, Published on 08/08/2024

» The Constitutional Court's ruling on Wednesday, ordering the dissolution of the Move Forward Party (MFP) -- the winner of last year's general election -- was no surprise.



Tilapia crisis needs fixing

Oped, Editorial, Published on 07/08/2024

» This week's cabinet meeting was hotly anticipated by the public and media, who were eager to know who was responsible for the flood of invasive blackchin tilapia recently found in 17 provinces and coastal waters.



Thaksin's VIP 'jail time'

Oped, Editorial, Published on 06/08/2024

» The release of a report from the National Human Rights Commission's (NHRC) probe into the claim that the Department of Corrections (DoC) gave privileged treatment to inmate-on-parole Thaksin Shinawatra was released on Aug 2. With the former PM officially becoming a freeman on Aug 31, the report is overdue, but late is always better than never.



Will Move Forward be stopped for good?

News, Published on 05/08/2024

» Four years ago, on Feb 21, the Constitutional Court ordered the dissolution of the Future Forward Party, the predecessor of the Move Forward Party, and banned its executive committee members from contesting elections for 10 years.


Who benefits from Bangladesh's strife?

Oped, Published on 03/08/2024

» Domestic peace and stability have been the key to national progress in every part of the world. Growth of civilisation and prosperity of the West had been possible due to political stability and social harmony.



Don't trust the uniform

Oped, Editorial, Published on 02/08/2024

» Mongkol Preesukkasem, a fake prosecutor, was arrested for fraud on July 25 by city police while giving a lecture at a school in Nonthaburi province. His blatant impersonation of public officials with power has stunned the public. The arrest followed a series of complaints filed against him over several months.