Search Result for “civilians killed”

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The who and why of Gaza hospital blast

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 21/10/2023

» The blame game has gone into high gear. It started with the massacre perpetrated in Israel two weeks ago by the Islamist Palestinian group Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip for the past 17 years. US President Joe Biden called it "sheer evil", and a chorus of other voices said the same.



Israel must keep guard up amid Hamas assault

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 12/10/2023

» If you are wondering why Hamas launched its all-out assault on Israel on Saturday, I wrote it right here last week. "The Arab world has basically abandoned the Palestinians to their fate, whatever that may be. Six Arab countries have established diplomatic ties with Israel and several more, including Saudi Arabia, are on the brink of doing so."



China: Message from Russia on 'reunification'

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 26/08/2023

» The Ukrainians have been cheering themselves up recently by sending drones to hit targets in Moscow's business district and the more exclusive western suburbs. (The Russians, who bomb Ukrainian cities and kill civilians almost every night, refer to this as "terrorism".)



Sudan: Thieves fall out and the people suffer

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 18/04/2023

» It's a pity that both sides can't lose in the war that broke out between rival generals in Sudan on Saturday, but the best that the 48 million Sudanese can hope for now is that one side loses quickly. Beyond that, it's all bad: the rival generals both want to strangle the democratic revolution that began in Khartoum four years ago.



ICC charges for Putin do not cover his crimes

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 23/03/2023

» Although the arrest warrant issued on Russian President Vladimir Putin by the International Criminal Court (ICC) last week was welcome, there was a certain puzzlement about the actual crime he is being charged with.



Israel pogroms reflect nation's shift to right

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 06/03/2023

» The dictionary definition of "pogrom" is "an organised massacre of a particular ethnic group, in particular that of Jewish people in Russia or eastern Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries." So, there is something deeply strange about hearing pogrom used in Hebrew to describe what some Jewish people are doing to Arabs in 21st-century Israel.


Killing Darya Dugina: Ukraine own-goal?

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 25/08/2022

» 'Iam a political observer of the International Eurasianist Movement and an expert in international relations. In this capacity, I appear on Russian, Pakistani, Turkish, Chinese and Indian television channels. The situation in Ukraine is really an example of a clash of civilisations; it can be seen as a clash between globalist and Eurasian civilisation."



When 'mowing the grass' will no longer do

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 20/05/2021

» 'We didn't want this conflict, but now that it's started it has to end with a sustained period of quiet," said Mark Regev, spokesman for Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "That can only be achieved by Israel taking out Hamas -- their military structure, their command and control." Or, as the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) would put it, by "mowing the grass".


Napoleon and world history: What if...?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 05/05/2021

» Napoleon Bonaparte doesn't come up much in conversation these days, which is hardly surprising given that he has been dead for two centuries. On the other hand, today will be exactly 200 years since he died, so maybe we could make an exception just this once.


Fear at the root of America's race problem

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 04/06/2020

» It's been a bad week in the United States: six nights of protests, huge anger, rioting and looting in 50 cities, hundreds arrested or injured -- but only six dead over the police murder of George Floyd. The number may have gone up by the time you read this, but it's definitely not 1968 again.