Search Result for “christians”

Showing 41 - 50 of 1,488



Pakistan probes mosques’ links to anti-Christian riots

Published on 19/08/2023

» LAHORE, Pakistan: A Muslim cleric is among a dozen people being investigated for using mosque loudspeakers to order protests against alleged blasphemy by Christians which erupted into mob violence in Pakistan earlier this week, a senior police official said.



More Christian homes, churches vandalised in Pakistan

Published on 18/08/2023

» LAHORE, Pakistan: More than 80 Christian homes and 19 churches in Pakistan were vandalised when a Muslim mob rampaged through the streets over alleged blasphemy this week, the head of Punjab provincial police said on Friday.



Pakistan police guard Christian colony after mob attack over 'blasphemy'

AFP, Published on 17/08/2023

» FAISALABAD (PAKISTAN) - Police were guarding a Christian neighbourhood in central Pakistan on Thursday, after hundreds of Muslim men rampaged through its streets setting fire to churches and ransacking homes over accusations of blasphemy a day earlier.



Pakistan churches set alight after blasphemy claim

Published on 16/08/2023

» LAHORE, Pakistan: A Muslim crowd attacked a Christian community in eastern Pakistan on Wednesday, vandalising several churches and setting scores of houses on fire after accusing its members of desecrating the Koran, police and community leaders said.



Thailand-bound Chinese activist nabbed in Laos

Published on 29/07/2023

» BEIJING: A Chinese human rights lawyer has been arrested in Laos while en route to Thailand, and activists and family members fear he could be deported back to China and face prison time.



Christians want to see more of Saudi Arabia

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 16/07/2023

» The caravan of five Toyota Land Cruisers raced across Saudi Arabia's rocky desert, weaving onto a highway so new it was not on the map. At the cleft of sea that splits the kingdom from Egypt, they stopped on a barren beach. Fifteen tourists spilled out and gathered around Joel Richardson, a Kansas preacher.



Without aid of whistleblowers, the West is lost

News, Published on 28/06/2023

» Earlier this month, CNN reported that a British court has denied WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange "permission to appeal an order to extradite him to the United States, where he faces criminal charges under the Espionage Act". Although Assange's legal team will continue to explore its options, the snare around his neck is clearly tightening. Time is not on his side. The US and British authorities who are pursuing him can afford to wait for any remaining public interest in his case to dwindle in the face of wars, climate change, anxiety about artificial intelligence, and other global issues.



Keep it timely

News, Postbag, Published on 28/06/2023

» Re: "What Wagner's revolt means to Putin's war", (Opinion, June 26).


Moral stock options

News, Postbag, Published on 25/06/2023

» Re: "Thai stock index remains low amid foreign sell-off", (Business, June 24).


Soft dictatorship threatens India's democracy

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 23/06/2023

» We're not surprised when religious zealots in some benighted part of the American heartland ban the teaching of evolution in the local school, but what could have possessed the national government of a grown-up country like India to do the same thing?