Search Result for “allowed”

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An unexpectedly successful protest

Oped, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 23/09/2020

» A new generation of Thai protesters has broken into the open, and while their defiant self-image as the generation that will finally fix things may be naive, they have already left their mark with the unexpectedly successful demonstration at Sanam Luang in the heart of old Bangkok on Sept 19-20.


Might and right: The power of one man

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 17/02/2014

» Chess maestro Garry Kasparov has made a small but meaningful contribution to free speech in journalistic circles by challenging the widely-held taboo about invoking Hitler's name as a cautionary warning.


Surveillance scandal signals a creeping police state

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 12/06/2013

» Even before an unlikely freedom fighter named Edward Snowden revealed his hand in the firestorm of a story about massive US government surveillance, Diane Feinstein, Peter King and other congressional mouthpieces for the US security state did their best to turn attention away from the message and onto the messenger.