Search Result for “Washington”

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Anti-coup crackdown takes fatal turn

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 01/03/2021

» Myanmar's security forces have unleashed a concerted crackdown on the country's peaceful protesters leaving 23 dead and thousands injured throughout the country in the last two days. In planned pre-emptive strikes, the police moved ruthlessly to disperse and arrest protestors preparing to join yesterday general strike. "They used teargas, stun grenades and fired live ammunition indiscriminately into the crowds," said Soe Soe, a young university student at a protest site told the Bangkok Post.


Post-election foreign policy rebalances westward

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 19/12/2020

» Myanmar's foreign policy is set to undergo a significant shakeup in the coming year as the government readjusts to the changing international environment in a post-election, post-Covid and post-Trump era. In the middle of these evolving dynamics, Myanmar will increasingly become a major focus of attention -- and be a dominant determinant of the balance of power within Asia.



China's grand vision

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 10/02/2020

» Chinese President Xi Jinping's historic state visit to Myanmar last month was aimed at drawing the country ever closer and persuading the world of the importance of Beijing's new international approach. It was an exercise in strategic diplomacy, rolling out China's grand vision for the region and encouraging the creation of a loyal and supportive neighbourhood.



Myanmar's military commander-in-chief on the rise

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 02/02/2018

» Myanmar's military chief, Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing, has become the man of the moment in the country's unfolding political crisis. While he and the country's civilian leader, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, may not trust each other, he has become increasingly her indispensable ally amid the increasing international turmoil surrounding the government's handling of the Rakhine crisis.



The Pope's 'love and peace' mission

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 27/11/2017

» Pope Francis, the world's most senior religious leader, arrives in Myanmar later today on the start of a delicate diplomatic visit. It is the first visit of a Papal leader to Myanmar, and represents a momentous moment for the country. "The Pope is a unifying figure, preaching compassion, love and peace and his visit comes at a decisive moment," Denzil Abel, a Myanmar intellectual, former diplomat and a Catholic told the Bangkok Post.



Myanmar army moves worry China

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 02/10/2017

» Since the Kofi Annan Commission on Rakhine state announced its recommendations a month ago, Aung San Suu Kyi has been insisting that her government is committed to implementing them. As a part of this plan, a ministerial-level committee to monitor progress on the implementation of the commission's recommendations has been formed.



Myanmar intensifies strategic courtship of Beijing

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 08/04/2017

» Myanmar President Htin Kyaw is currently on an official six-day visit to China. This is his first trip to Myanmar's all-important northern neighbour, since he became president a year ago.



Myanmar's new economic blueprint

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 15/08/2016

» Threadbare on details and containing mainly sweeping statements of principle, none of them new, the much-anticipated new economic plan outlined for Myanmar by the National League for Democracy (NLD) has disappointed academics, analysts and business leaders.



Suu Kyi sets tone for ties with Thailand

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 23/06/2016

» Myanmar's State Counsellor and Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi starts an official trip to Thailand Thursday which underlines the importance of geopolitics and the role of this immediate neighbour in the country's development.



Democratic era dawns on the generals

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 10/11/2015

» Aung San Suu Kyi and her party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), are heading for a historic landslide victory in Sunday's elections. Although the official results are days away -- the charismatic pro-democracy leader seems certain to control the lower house, and may even have an absolute majority in the parliament as a whole.