Search Result for “The New York Times”

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The superpowers of new super-thin materials

New York Times, Published on 09/01/2020

» NEW YORK: Internet-connected devices have already colonised a range of new frontiers - wrists, refrigerators, doorbells, cars. But to some researchers, the spread of the “internet of things” has not gone nearly far enough.



Google launches Pixel 4 with radar gesture control

Business, Published on 17/10/2019

» NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO/BERLIN: Alphabet Inc's Google unveiled new Pixel smartphones with higher quality cameras, a radar sensor to track hand gestures and faster virtual assistant on Tuesday, but the devices had no surprise features to set them apart from rivals and nix concerns about price.



Will fold-out phones start a new revolution?

Life, James Hein, Published on 27/02/2019

» Lower cost Google phones will be arriving this year. There will be mid-range offerings somewhere in the 4,700-22,000 baht range and another below that as a low-range product. The target is emerging markets that are fairly well saturated with other brands, both Korean and Chinese. The Google Pixel is the high-end product and is supposed to have the best camera, for now, but they are not cheap. The new range will round out the lower end of the market.



Swing when you're winning

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 28/09/2018

» When a tremendous amount of hype precedes the release of a game -- or anything, really -- people get nervous. Are expectations too high? Is all the excitement for nothing? So when Spider-Man was announced, I reminded myself to be cautious. It seemed that it was on the track though: Insomniac, developers of the game, recognised the responsibility they had (because they had the power, wink wink) to the character and to fans; the early footage of the game was amazing (another wink wink); and last month at the PlayStation Experience Southeast Asia, I was able to play the game for a good 15 minutes and left even more amped up for its release. But now that the game is out, does it live up to the hype? It most definitely does.



Apple to embrace iPhone X design with bigger screens

Bloomberg News, Published on 27/08/2018

» SAN FRANCISCO: Apple Inc is not only doubling down on the iPhone X, it’s tripling down.



Start your engines

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/07/2018

» Cars, boats and planes — they're all ready to play in The Crew 2.



Facebook bug changed privacy settings of up to 14m users

New York Times, Published on 08/06/2018

» SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook has been fighting for months the perception it did not do enough to protect people’s privacy. On Thursday, the company said it had again failed to keep the information of millions of users private.



Eric Schmidt to step down as Alphabet chairman

New York Times, Published on 22/12/2017

» Eric Schmidt joined Google in 2001 to provide what amounted to adult supervision for the company’s young founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. He helped take Google public in 2004 and built it into a colossus. In 2011, after being appointed executive chairman, he became a prominent emissary for the company to Washington.


Microsoft Paint might be fading

Life, James Hein, Published on 02/08/2017

» What is the one program you can count on to be in Windows, apart from say Minesweeper? Microsoft Paint. It's the poor man's drawing tool and screen capture tool where it is as simple as Alt-Printscreen, Start-Run MSPaint, CTRL-V, Crop Marquee Select Crop, CTRL-A CTRL-C, Switch to email and CTRL–V to get something from your screen into an email (or anything else).



Microsoft Paint 'here to stay' after outpour of support

Published on 25/07/2017

» Microsoft has announced on its blog that Paint, a basic component of its Windows operating system for three decades, will not be scrapped. Instead, it will just have a new home soon.