Search Result for “Steven R. Galster”

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The hidden tale of a 3-legged tiger

Oped, Published on 17/02/2022

» Tigers are in the news again. First, rare camera-trap footage released last week showed a three-legged victim of poaching, a female tiger, hopping through the jungles of western Thailand, eating domestic animals (and possibly attacking people too). Days later: an undercover bust of traffickers with tiger skins in the same region. To keep hope alive for the critically endangered big cat, authorities must now act on two levels. First, they must rescue the amputee before she or poachers strike again. Second, they need to address the underlying causes of poaching before other tigers, animals and people suffer.



A vaccine against outbreaks: Ban wildlife trade

News, Published on 21/03/2020

» As Thailand and its neighbors scramble to contain the pandemic and panic, we urgently need to start building a response to the source of Covid-19, or risk having new outbreaks hit us even harder. There is good reason to believe that we know the source -- global wildlife trade -- and that there is a solution.



Work together for wildlife

News, Postbag, Published on 31/07/2016

» The Spectrum article, "Enforcing the law in the wild" (July 24) focuses on an important, ongoing effort to curb SE Asia's illegal wildlife trade, namely the Asean Wildlife Enforcement Network (Asean-wen). My organisation and I have closely observed and supported the growth of this network since its birth 10 years ago, although we did not staff its secretariat as the article states. The article does rightly point out that Asean-wen's Bangkok-based secretariat weakened in the past years, leaving many concerned.