Search Result for “Japan”

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A declining America is focusing on the wrong enemy

Oped, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 17/02/2022

» Much of the democratic world would like the United States to remain the pre-eminent global power. But with the US apparently committed to strategic overreach, that outcome risks becoming unlikely.



The world according to Trump, Xi

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 25/05/2018

» The world's leading democracy, the United States, is looking increasingly like the world's biggest and oldest surviving autocracy, China. By pursuing aggressively unilateral policies that flout broad global consensus, President Donald Trump effectively justifies his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping's longtime defiance of international law, exacerbating already serious risks to the rules-based world order.


China uses trade as political weapon

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 31/07/2017

» China denies mixing business with politics, yet it has long used trade to punish countries that refuse to toe its line. China's recent heavy-handed economic sanctioning of South Korea, in response to that country's decision to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) anti-missile system, was just the latest example of the Chinese authorities' use of trade as a political weapon.


Order of influence in the balance

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 25/01/2016

» China's ambition to reshape the Asian order is no secret. From the "one belt, one road" scheme to the Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, major Chinese initiatives are gradually but steadily advancing China's strategic objective of fashioning a Sino-centric Asia. As China's neighbours well know, the country's quest for regional dominance could be damaging -- and even dangerous. Yet other regional powers have done little to develop a coordinated strategy to thwart China's hegemonic plans.



Tokyo must rearm but focus on defence

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 22/10/2015

» Japan's political resurgence is one of this century's most consequential developments in Asia. But it has received relatively little attention, because observers have preferred to focus on the country's prolonged economic woes.


China's stealth wars threaten stability

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 12/06/2013

» China is subverting the status quo in the South and East China Seas, on its border with India, and even concerning international riparian flows _ all without firing a single shot. Just as it grabbed land across the Himalayas in the 1950s by launching furtive encroachments, China is waging stealth wars against its Asian neighbours that threaten to destabilise the entire region. The more economic power China has amassed, the greater its ambition to alter the territorial status quo has become.