Search Result for “Cites”

Showing 1 - 10 of 161



A failed state?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 04/05/2024

» Re: "Thai police graft highlights bigger issues", (Opinion, April 26).



Russian moves block UN probe of North Korea

Oped, Published on 05/04/2024

» In a classic under-the-political radar ploy, Russia has vetoed a UN committee investigating North Korean nuclear missile and banking sanctions violations. The low-profile but highly significant sanctions committee regularly monitors illicit actions by Pyongyang to develop, improve and implement the regime's nuclear weapons and offensive missile programmes.


Haiti's ticking humanitarian timebomb

Oped, Published on 21/03/2024

» As waves of gang violence engulf an already poor and destitute land through a reckless orgy of shootings and looting, the Caribbean Island of Haiti equally faces a widening domestic humanitarian crisis along with a ticking migrant exodus.


UN condemns Iran's treatment of girls, women

Oped, Published on 15/03/2024

» The Iranian regime has been firmly condemned by a UN fact-finding mission investigating the unprovoked killing of Mahsa Amini two years ago, in an incident that set off nationwide protests. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old student, according to a UN fact-finding mission, died in police custody after violating the Islamic Republic's strict "morality rules" requiring women to wear the headscarf.



Doing good can give a business competitive edge

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 13/02/2024

» It seems counterintuitive, but in a capitalist economy, doing the most good can provide a competitive edge. I am not referring to businesses that donate a tiny percentage of their profits to charities or tell you that they are reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I am talking about businesses that donate 100% of their profits -- or close to it -- to effective charities that do a lot of good.


No discussion allowed

Postbag, Published on 04/02/2024

» Re: "Drunk cop injures boy in Roi Et road crash", (BP, Feb 2).



Predicting 2024's global challenges

Oped, Published on 03/01/2024

» Looking into the snow globe, it's that time of year to predict and prognosticate what awaits this tired world in the new year. There's a certain trepidation in the air as we view the current and emerging crises, especially during a highly contested election year in so many key countries.



Live to swim, and swim to live

News, Editorial, Published on 17/07/2023

» Friday was Shark and Ray Awareness Day, an annual reminder to raise awareness of these incredible creatures that roam the oceans. Sharks and rays belong to a group of fish known as elasmobranchs, which includes over 1,200 species.



Jumbo treated well

Oped, Postbag, Published on 04/07/2023

» Re: "Ailing jumbo repatriated from Sri Lanka", (BP, July 3).



Station confusion

Oped, Postbag, Published on 17/06/2023

» Re: "Yet another missing rail link", (Editorial, June 4) and "Partial Pink Line launch urged as traffic worsens", (BP, June 3).