Search Result for “Chaisaeng”

Showing 31 - 40 of 41


Thailand greener than you think

News, Published on 14/07/2013

» There are frequently letters in PostBag asking why Thailand isn't doing more to advance green, renewable energy when in just the past few years both solar and wind energy have become far more efficient. For example, the price of solar panel prices has dropped dramatically. If you figure in the actual costs of pollution to society, green energies are already cheaper and will become ever more so.


Talking only course for South

News, Published on 07/07/2013

» Pol Gen Pracha Promnok's statement last week that peace talks in the South should continue and more groups be included is sensible and welcome. As TE Lawrence once wrote, one of the primary conditions for a successful guerrilla campaign is the support of the local population, or at least its refusal to help the authorities by providing them with intelligence. This is one of the reasons why security forces have had so little success in stopping the violence in the South and why the government is right to try to resolve the problem through talks.


Little faith in Chaturon

News, Published on 04/07/2013

» Re: ''It's Chaturon's time to shine'' (Opinion, July 3).



It's Chaturon's time to shine

News, Published on 03/07/2013

» If the weekend polls were accurate, the public is not expecting much from the new cabinet that was sworn in on Sunday evening.


Battle royal looms between Pheu Thai, court

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 29/04/2013

» April is normally the hottest month of the year with the temperature often surpassing 40C in different parts of the country. This year, however, the situation may be different with the mercury in the coming months likely to soar higher than the April record as a "Battle Royal" is looming between the ruling Pheu Thai Party and its allies on the one hand and the Constitution Court and its supporters on the other.



Put charter changes to a referendum

News, Published on 14/04/2013

» The two major parties are positioning themselves for the parliamentary battle that is sure to commence over charter reform in the days and weeks after the Songkran holidays. Pheu Thai is intent on pushing its proposed amendments through as quickly as possible, while the Democrats are determined to block each and every one by whatever means necessary.


Referendum, really a piece of cake?

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 28/12/2012

» "A piece of cake!" a confident former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra told his adoring red-shirt followers when he described how easy it would be to get the people's approval in the planned referendum on rewriting the entire constitution during his video-linked address at Khao Yai last weekend.


Firebrand Sondhi dims to a flicker

News, Published on 03/11/2012

» With the anti-government movement gathering steam, some die-hard activists are looking forward to People's Alliance for Democracy co-founder Sondhi Limthongkul returning to the fold as the forceful protest leader he once was.



Pheu Thai in court-ordered quandary

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 19/07/2012

» The Constitution Court's ruling on Friday is putting the government and Pheu Thai Party in a difficult position in its push for charter amendment as all the choices to move the case forward pose major problems.



A triumph for common sense

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 16/07/2012

» The Constitution Court's ruling last Friday came as a total surprise to several "doomsday" political pundits and the red shirts, among them Korkaew Pikulthong who anticipated the worst-case scenario for the Pheu Thai Party and called on his red shirt followers to brace themselves for an "all-out civil war" should the court rule against the party and order its dissolution.