Search Result for “Afghanistan”

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Protests of both despair and conflict in Gaza

Oped, Published on 30/05/2024

» These are crazy times. Biblical disturbances in nature, such as the repeated torrential rain in Dubai or the mass fish die-off in Vietnam's overheated reservoir, seem to mirror our overheated politics and social environment.



The middle path for US foreign policy

Oped, Kasit Piromya, Published on 22/03/2024

» For decades, the United States' positioning in the international arena has been a battle between the desire to remain isolated within the confines of its own territory and the urge to extend beyond its boundaries to induce and cajole others on the values and benefits of democracy, freedom and a free market.



Pakistan again lands itself in political strife

Oped, Published on 17/02/2024

» Pakistan is politically on the brink again in the aftermath of fractious but inconclusive national parliamentary elections, which ended with a question mark hanging over this land of 241 million people like a political Damocles sword. Two former prime ministers, both bitter rivals and equally mired in alleged corruption, are vying for the top spot.



A 14th century warning for the 21st century

News, Published on 12/02/2024

» A history student told me recently that he loves researching the 20th century but can't see the point of the Middle Ages. I responded that it can be a big help to understanding our own times -- very troubled times -- to view them in the context even of the remote past.



A 14th Century warning for fans of 21st Century demagogues

Published on 11/02/2024

» A history student told me recently that he loves researching the 20th Century but can’t see the point of the Middle Ages. I responded that it can be a big help to understanding our own times — very troubled times — to view them in the context even of the remote past.



ICJ's efforts to build rule of law must continue

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 31/01/2024

» Israel's defence minister, Yoav Gallant, dismissed the ruling by the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the accusation that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip with the words "Hague Schmague". US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was equally dismissive, saying that the case brought before the ICJ by South Africa was "meritless".



Predicting 2024's global challenges

Oped, Published on 03/01/2024

» Looking into the snow globe, it's that time of year to predict and prognosticate what awaits this tired world in the new year. There's a certain trepidation in the air as we view the current and emerging crises, especially during a highly contested election year in so many key countries.



Bad to good: What kind of year was 2023 for Asia?

Oped, Published on 28/12/2023

» As 2023 departs, and 2024 -- and soon, the lunar Year of the Dragon -- arrives, we once again highlight the winners and losers of the year gone by in Asia.



Muslims tire of double standards

News, Published on 23/11/2023

» Washington's unwavering support for Israel during its ground invasion of Gaza is coming under increasing scrutiny in the Global South.



How we can break free from polio

Oped, Published on 25/10/2023

» Eradicating polio has taken far longer than anyone expected. But the last 35 years of efforts to immunise every child against polio represent a major win for global health: a 99% reduction in cases means that nearly 20 million people are walking today who otherwise would have been paralysed.