Search Result for “editorial states”

Showing 71 - 80 of 132



Test case for tolerance

Oped, Editorial, Published on 02/10/2021

» A new set of children's books, titled Waad Wang, which provides information on the other side of the anti-institution movement, has drawn mixed reactions and become another test case for tolerance towards different opinions in our society.



Covid threat just one of many

News, Editorial, Published on 29/08/2021

» As Thai authorities battle to halt a tide of infections currently threatening to dislodge a halo worn so proudly by many who thought Covid-19 had been beaten on home soil, a UN report released last week comes as a timely reminder that epidemics come in all shapes and sizes and the present Covid crisis can't be allowed to distract from pro-environmental policy-making.



GPO must act fast on ATKs

Oped, Editorial, Published on 25/08/2021

» The cabinet motion yesterday on the problematic procurement of home-use rapid antigen test kits (ATKs) proves one thing. The prime minister -- who has crafted thirty articles of legislation relating to Covid with his own hands since March -- cannot use his power and leadership to defuse the conflict that has erupted at a time when society needs his guidance the most.



Mekong talks not inclusive

Oped, Editorial, Published on 20/08/2021

» Arriving late is always better than never. So, after years of witnessing the ecology of the Mekong River being choked by the development of hydro-powered dams, communities in this region can have some hope after the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) and the Mekong River Commission (MRC) stepped in and co-hosted the Water Security Dialogue, held in Laos from yesterday until today.



Phuket curbs welcome

News, Editorial, Published on 07/06/2021

» The government has made the right decision in imposing tough conditions for reopening Phuket to foreign visitors from July 1.



Renewables are the future

Oped, Editorial, Published on 28/05/2021

» A Dutch court on Wednesday ordered oil giant Royal Dutch Shell (Shell) to slash its greenhouse gas emissions in a landmark victory with good implications for energy production and consumption worldwide.



Tram U-turn a big letdown

News, Editorial, Published on 18/05/2021

» For the central government, Phuket was definitely a golden goose. The renowned tourist destination, which during the pre-Covid era pulled in more than 400 billion baht a year for the country, ranked second only to Bangkok in terms of total revenues generated from tourism.



Don't reject private help

Oped, Editorial, Published on 03/05/2021

» The government has announced a new plan to procure 100 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to cover 50 million people by the end of the year, up from the 65 million doses it had originally planned to procure.



Indian ban over the top

News, Editorial, Published on 27/04/2021

» Fact: the Covid-19 situation is India continues to worsen. Also a fact: the rising number of infections there makes India the second-worst affected country in the world, just behind the United States.



Asean speaks out on coup

News, Editorial, Published on 26/04/2021

» The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) has reached another important milestone after the bloc's leaders reached a consensus on Saturday to end the crisis and violence in Myanmar.