Search Result for “Donald Trump”

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Tracking the path of the virus

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 29/12/2020

» From an animal market in Wuhan, to the spread of the novel coronavirus on board the Diamond Princess, to Seoul's nightclub scene, the virus has still not stopped wreaking havoc on the world's population. Just last week, the first case of Covid-19 was reported in Antarctica at a Chilean research station.



A year like no other

Asia focus, Published on 28/12/2020

» In a world under siege from a relentless virus, Asia's resilience was tested to the utmost. Asia Focus staff look back at key events



Spotlight on racism

Oped, Postbag, Published on 17/04/2020

» Re: Regarding the attentive reader's assertion in "Having it both ways", (PostBag, April 13) and the complaints about the "Govt duty to curb virus hate crime", (Editorial, April 12), it's simple. If a Facebook site is targeting a specific group of people because of the colour of their skin, rather than all people breaking social distancing rules, that is racism.



Spain, Germany cases rise; UK PM remains in ICU: Virus update

Published on 08/04/2020

» Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the start of a turnaround in the fight against the virus could come after this week.



Markets rise as deaths slow in hotspots: Virus update

Published on 06/04/2020

» Germany and Spain reported lower numbers of new cases, a tentative sign that lockdown measures are easing the outbreak.



Iran cases surge, new Malaysia, Singapore infections: Virus update

Published on 01/03/2020

» Four new infections were reported in Malaysia and Singapore after Thailand, the United States and Australia recorded their first deaths caused by the coronavirus and cases in Iran and South Korea jumped by 376 but the number of new deaths fell in the epicentre of Hubei, China.



Korea adds 505 cases, deaths top 2,800: Virus update

Published on 27/02/2020

» Saudi Arabia halted religious visits that draw millions to cities including Mecca and Medina, while Japan asked for all schools to shut from March 2. More new cases were reported outside China than within the country for the first time, highlighting the spread of the epidemic.