Search Result for “plan”

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Myanmar reaches a political impasse

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 07/02/2022

» Myanmar is engulfed in a civil war that is growing daily leaving diminishing options available to try to resolve it in what is a growing political impasse. For the past year, since the Myanmar military, or Tatmadaw, seized power, the country has been overwhelmed by violence and mayhem that is continuing to escalate, bringing civilian administration to a standstill throughout the country, disrupting the economy and leaving the majority of its people increasingly in danger of malnutrition and starvation. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been displaced by the Tatmadaw's military campaigns and face a torrid and uncertain future.



Ethnic armies fight for a federal future

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 07/04/2021

» Myanmar's ethnic armies have effectively declared war on the country's military government, increasing the prospect of civil war. In the face of the army's continued violence against civilian protesters -- the death toll is now more than 600 in the last nine weeks -- many of the country's ethnic leaders felt impelled to take drastic action.



Free fall

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/03/2021

» Yangon is burning: Plumes of smoke rose into the skyline in the north of the city every day last week. Large parts of Myanmar's biggest city and main commercial centre resembled a battle zone after the military junta imposed martial law in several neighbourhoods.


Military stokes coup fears amid political crisis

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 29/01/2021

» Concerns about a possible military coup have swept across Myanmar this week amid signs of a deepening constitutional crisis. Tensions between Myanmar's military and its political allies on one hand and the country's pro-democracy politicians on the other are worsening, as a dispute over the election outcome intensifies, ahead of a landmark court case later today to decide the legitimacy of these electoral fraud claims. In the meantime, comments by the military earlier this week have fueled fears of a possible coup.



Myanmar maps out recovery and reform

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 23/11/2020

» The Myanmar government is putting the finishing touches on an ambitious new economic recovery and reform plan. To be announced during the current transition period following the Nov 8 elections, it will be part of the strategic plan for the next five years.



After the Covid election

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 16/11/2020

» Myanmar's "Covid election" has dominated the local psyche for more than a month now. The coronavirus crisis changed the nature of campaigning for the Nov 8 polls, severely affected the voting process and delayed the second stage of the government's pandemic recovery plans. While everyone was preoccupied with the polls, the country was virtually on hold.



China's grand vision

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 10/02/2020

» Chinese President Xi Jinping's historic state visit to Myanmar last month was aimed at drawing the country ever closer and persuading the world of the importance of Beijing's new international approach. It was an exercise in strategic diplomacy, rolling out China's grand vision for the region and encouraging the creation of a loyal and supportive neighbourhood.


Myanmar blames army for atrocities in Rakhine

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/01/2020

» Myanmar is facing a very fraught time internationally as the conduct of its military comes under increasing scrutiny, while simultaneously the civilian government now admits it must take responsibility for what happened in the strife-torn western province of Rakhine over the past few years.



Headwinds in Myanmar

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 20/01/2020

» The economic outlook for Myanmar for the coming year looks resilient, but the country faces enormous risks posed by internal tensions and international economic trends, according to the World Bank.



Time to deliver

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 25/11/2019

» The Myanmar government knows it needs to improve the country's economic performance and extend the benefits of development more evenly across society. With elections only a year away, the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) needs some big wins to prove to the country's entrepreneurs and the urban middle class that it is pro-business.