Search Result for “2.8”

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THAI tailwinds

Oped, Postbag, Published on 18/04/2020

» Re: "Panel mulls rescue plan for virus-hit Thai Airways", (BP, April 17).



So what's the plan?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 11/04/2020

» Sometimes it seems like the authorities in Thailand are solving minor problems like arresting teenagers who break curfew whilst completely ignoring the bigger ones.



Incomplete strategy

News, Postbag, Published on 28/03/2020

» There is an incompatibility between closing bars but not closing public transport, which raises the question of the effectiveness of the current measures that have been taken.



A double whammy

Oped, Postbag, Published on 12/03/2020

» Re: “Perfect storm of discontent” (PostBag, March 8).



For the people

News, Postbag, Published on 04/01/2020

» It must be acknowledged by foreign "guests" that Thai politics, taken as a whole, is quite incomprehensible. For example, does a military-run democracy mean that the military has declared war against the people? Or is the government actually weak and hiding behind "threats" to remain in power?



Don't be fooled

News, Postbag, Published on 28/12/2019

» Re: "Prayut troubled by fake news", (BP, Dec 27).



Sour side of sugar

News, Postbag, Published on 15/11/2019

» It is interesting to see how the sugar industry has come out against the ban on the three harmful pesticides. The industry claims the ban will drive up the price of sugar. Somehow, the health of consumers and those who work in the industry does not factor into the equation. Everything is always evaluated in profit margins. The price hike would be enough to drive consumers away from sugar in general. I say, good riddance. Reducing sugar consumption would be a healthier decision for all. In fact, a cut to all sweeteners -- natural or artificial -- should be paramount to one's health and well-being.


Endless debt cycle

News, Postbag, Published on 05/10/2019

» Re: "Handouts not the solution", (Editorial, Oct 4).



Army chief paranoid?

News, Postbag, Published on 28/09/2019

» Re: "Apirat says B12bn of US arms 'a necessity'", (BP, Sept 26). Every time I read the army's attempt to justify their need for more extremely violent weapons, I get the feeling that the main qualification necessary for the head of the army is that he needs to be extremely paranoid. Who does he think is going to attack us? The last attack on the army that I remember was some guy who rammed a tank with his taxi at or near the Royal Plaza. Is the army commander afraid that it will be a whole fleet of taxis next time?


Thank you, 'Mali San'

News, Postbag, Published on 24/08/2019

» We Thais owe many, many thanks to "Mali-San" or Ms Megumi Morimoto, 46, a freshman at Kasetsart University's Sakolnakorn campus. As shown by the clip on Facebook by Udomsak Nak-chang-in and on television, she's been blocking motorcyclists from illegally riding their bikes on the sidewalk at Rumsalee intersection, thus protecting pedestrians from being run over. She's done this over 100 times. Although local bikers have beaten her up four times, Thai onlookers have rescued her.