Search Result for “United States”

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Thailand between the US and China

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 29/03/2024

» Amid what now has to be acknowledged as a direct non-military conflict and a geoeconomic war of sorts between the United States and China, Thailand is in a quandary. While characterising Thailand's geostrategic dilemma as a US-China binary can be exaggerated and misleading, it does have a point. As with many other developing countries in the region, Thailand will come under increasing pressure to choose between the two competing superpowers. The ability not to choose thus becomes an overarching geostrategic objective.



No losers, two winners in Taiwan poll

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 26/01/2024

» Among elections in Asia this year, Taiwan's is no less consequential, not just for the island country's political future but also for the United States-China rivalry and broader geopolitics. In the event, the results from the Jan 13 general election in Taiwan ended up with no major losers among the main contenders and two big wins for democracy in Asia and the geopolitical status quo.



Prospects at home and abroad in 2024

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 05/01/2024

» Overlooked but deeply consequential, 2024 will be the first time in a decade that Thailand is ruled by a civilian-led government. Whatever frustration and disenchantment that arise this year, memories must not run short. Thailand suffered deeply under the coup-backed regime of Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha. Seeing his back is politically good riddance, and having Srettha Thavisin as a thoroughly civilian and pro-business prime minister bodes well for the country. Yet Mr Srettha has his work cut out to boost the economy, address constitutional reform, restore Thailand's international standing, and stay in office into next year amid the global economic slowdown.



Asian elections, democracy in 2024

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 29/12/2023

» Billed as the biggest election year ever as more than half of the global population goes to the polls, 2024 will be critical to the debate about democratisation and autocratisation. Asia will lead the way with elections in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia, while the most recent polls in Myanmar and Thailand offer long-term lessons about democracy and dictatorship. The salient themes next year will be about the self-perpetuating tendencies of incumbent regimes and the resilience of democratic rule when authoritarianism seemed to have the upper hand.



Japan's dilemmas need bold answers

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 03/11/2023

» Among the big countries vying for power and influence in the fluid and contentious geostrategic arena, Japan faces the most daunting challenges. Most of the recognised major powers in Asia, from China and India to Indonesia and South Korea, are rising and aspiring for bigger roles and grander objectives, while Japan's place in the global pecking order has been in decline. The last time Japan had to confront such an existential threat to its place in the world may have been in the 1860s when the Western powers shook up and threatened to take over the isolated and inward-looking martial society.



A Thai view on the Hamas-Israel war

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 20/10/2023

» The Palestinians' longstanding and legitimate grievances have been irrevocably subverted by Hamas' brazen attack against Israel on Oct 7. Unlike previous rounds of conflicts and clashes between Israel and the Palestinians on the one hand and neighbouring Arab states on the other, Thailand has become a direct casualty like never before, as 30 Thai workers have been killed to date, with at least 16 injured and 17 taken hostage. As a militant political movement motivated by Islamic fundamentalism using methods of terrorism to achieve its objectives, Hamas has made a bad name for the Palestinian cause, eliciting condemnation and opposition all the way over here in Thailand.



Asean role stuck on Myanmar coup

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 25/08/2023

» President Joe Biden's decision to skip Asean-related summits in the Indonesian capital Jakarta on Sept 5-7 in favour of the G-20 leaders' meeting in India just two days later has been greeted with howls of disappointment and criticism around Southeast Asian capitals and elsewhere that are concerned about America's role in the region.



Thailand's policy on Myanmar stinks

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 23/06/2023

» The latest move to coddle and recognise Myanmar's junta government by caretaker Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's outgoing regime does not add up. Sanctioned and supported by Gen Prayut, Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai arranged an Asean-wide ministerial meeting in Pattaya on June 18 with Myanmar's junta-appointed Foreign Minister Than Swe with unusual haste. Shrouded in controversy and desperation, both the PM's and the FM's clichéd explanations just do not wash. It begs the question of whether there are vested interests involved, above and beyond Thailand's national interest, in the outgoing government's seeming acceptance of Myanmar's military regime that took power by force on Feb 1, 2021.



Post-poll lull has a lot to answer for

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 26/05/2023

» After a clear election victory, Thailand should already have a new government in office by now with Pita Limjaroenrat as prime minister, as his Move Forward Party (MFP) together with opposition ally Pheu Thai Party won a clear mandate of more than 58% of 500 lower house seats. Yet their coalition government in waiting among eight parties with 313 elected representatives is facing several critical roadblocks, including the military-appointed senate and the Election Commission (EC). Public pressure is now needed to be piled on these powerful but biased bodies that were appointed during the coup-dominated era in 2014–2019 to comply with the people's wishes, as expressed at the polls on May 14.



Charter a straitjacket on democracy

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 19/05/2023

» The military-appointed constitution drafting committee that was set up after the coup in 2014 surely knew what it was doing. It crafted a charter in 2017 that now acts as a straitjacket on Thailand's democratic outcome from the general election last Sunday.