Search Result for “United States”

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Have we solved the floaty-bag problem?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 17/02/2023

» The United States has been having "a bit of a floaty-bag problem over its airspace", as South Africa's Daily Maverick news site put it.



US presidential poll and implications

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 06/11/2020

» It is surprisingly unsurprising. Contrary to most polls and pundits, incumbent United States President Donald J Trump did not lose by a landslide in the presidential election this week. The final results are so close that both candidates, Mr Trump and Democratic Party rival Joe Biden, have claimed victory. Despite ongoing rancour and acrimony until the next US president is sworn in next January, several outcomes and implications are already clear.



Foreign minister rejects US editorial

News, Post Reporters, Published on 12/06/2019

» Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai has dismissed an editorial piece run by the <i>Washington Post</i> which suggested the United States hold back on resuming diplomatic ties with Thailand despite the fact that Gen Prayut secured his second term as premier through a parliamentary vote last Wednesday.



No, Brexit Britain doesn't want its empire back

News, John Lloyd, Published on 14/01/2019

» Britain is moving towards an exit from the European Union on March 29, possibly with no agreement, and thus courting – according to the Bank of England – an 8 percent drop in GDP and a 7.5% rise in unemployment. A drear prospect, attended by matching drear commentaries on the stupidity of the 52 percent of the British electorate who voted for Brexit in 2016.



Trump praises Saudi Arabia for lower oil prices 

AFP, Published on 21/11/2018

» WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump on Wednesday ignored criticism that he gave Saudi Arabia a free pass on the murder of a dissident journalist, instead praising the Islamic kingdom for keeping oil prices low.



Khashoggi saga packs punch

News, Maysam Behravesh, Published on 12/10/2018

» The disappearance and possible murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has cast a long shadow over Saudi Arabia's global image. If the Saudi government did in fact kill or kidnap him, the crime would have significant implications for Middle East politics.