Search Result for “killing”

Showing 81 - 90 of 360


Beijing has grave dearth of activists

Oped, Published on 16/12/2022

» Protesters recently took to the streets of China's cities in a rare show of political dissent. While the demonstrations are focused largely on the authorities' zero-Covid policy, they have sparked speculation that a pro-democracy movement -- and even a Taiwan-style political transition -- could come next. But this is unlikely, not least because decades of strict family-planning policies have left China with too few young people to join the fight.


Killing Twitter in the name of free speech

Oped, Published on 03/12/2022

» In April 2022, the world's richest person, Elon Musk, asked, "Is Twitter dying?" Five days later, he launched an apparently whimsical bid to buy the social-media platform. It took months of legal wrangling to complete the deal, but on Oct 27, Mr Musk honoured his US$44 billion offer, acquiring a new toy: free speech.


Who are the beneficiaries of 'free speech'?

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 10/11/2022

» How is it that a man who has banned 83 million people from Twitter can freely use the platform to post his messages denigrating women and supporting the brutal attack on the writer Salman Rushdie? I'm referring to the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whose government is killing young women who want to be able to show their hair in public.



Girls becoming agents of change

News, Published on 07/11/2022

» As world leaders convene in Egypt for Cop27, it is important to recognise where some of the most forceful initiatives for change are coming from. Throughout the Asia-Pacific, we have documented how girls are increasingly leading local and national climate change movements while galvanising support and rallying and inspiring other girls.



Halloween tragedy tests Seoul's unpopular leader

News, Published on 03/11/2022

» A nightmarish disaster whose victims were predominantly the young. A right-of-centre leader whose popularity is sliding. A political flashpoint potentially in the making once the nation absorbs the tragedy.


In Iran, all options to curb crisis are bad

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 25/10/2022

» 'Death to [fill in the blank]!" has been the slogan of choice chanted by Iranian protesters since the glory days of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. ("Death to the Shah!", "Death to America!", etc) It's now forty-three years later, however, and the content has become a bit more nuanced.



Wars aren't won with peace economies

News, Published on 19/10/2022

» Politically, the G7 and likeminded countries around the world have adopted a war footing to stop Russian aggression. Russian President Vladimir Putin violated the most fundamental principle of international law by launching an unprovoked attack on another member of the United Nations -- an institution created explicitly to prevent such aggression. The dangers of appeasement should be obvious. Even a little empathy should make us shudder in horror at the prospect of having to live under Mr Putin's rule.


Workplace mental support a must

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 17/10/2022

» The preschool mass shooting in Nong Bua Lam Phu last week has raised a number of controversial issues -- from gun control, journalism ethics and professionalism, to drugs and violence.



How Xi can strengthen China's economy

Oped, Published on 15/10/2022

» Xi Jinping is poised to become the first three-term president in Chinese history when the Communist Party of China's 20th National Congress starts tomorrow. That gives an opportune time to take stock of his economic-policy record from the past ten years and explore some obvious steps to improve economic performance in the next term.


Women, life, freedom, and the nascent Left

Oped, Published on 13/10/2022

» Four events centring around women have made headlines over the past month: Giorgia Meloni's electoral victory in Italy, Queen Elizabeth II's death and funeral, the release of the film The Woman King, and the widespread protests in Iran following the killing of Mahsa Amini by the country's morality police. Taken together, these four stories highlight essential features of the political terrain.