Search Result for “suicide attack”

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Kyiv faces 'difficult' May as arms supply faces delays

News, Peter Apps, Published on 08/05/2024

» Shortly after the US House of Representatives signed off its $61 billion (2.2 trillion baht) deal of military support for Ukraine last month, social media feeds run by the government in Kyiv showed US-supplied HIMARS batteries firing 16 rockets in quick succession into nearby territory held by Russia.



A call for solidarity against Hamas

News, Published on 16/10/2023

» On Oct 7, 2023, Hamas launched a massive, monstrous, unprovoked attack on the civilian population of Israel during the Jewish festival of Simchat Torah. This ongoing assault has seen hundreds of terrorists infiltrate Israeli territory by land, air and sea, specifically targeting Israeli civilian communities near the Gaza Strip. More than 3,500 rockets were launched at towns and cities across the country, with the explicit aim of causing harm to innocent civilians.


Micro-suicide drones a real Xmas t(h)reat

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 21/12/2022

» Some lucky boys and girls are going to find micro-suicide drones in their stockings this Christmas! Get your orders in now!



Forgotten people with no homes or hope

Oped, Published on 11/11/2021

» Malaysia is a second home to Myanmar migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers. In 2020, there were more than 550,000 Myanmar regular migrant workers and an estimated 250,000 are undocumented. Moreover, more than 154,880 Myanmar refugees and asylum seekers registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), including 22,470 Chin ethnic people who had escaped persecution and violence in their home state at the end of September 2021.


We must talk about Hamas, now

Oped, Meir Shlomo, Published on 21/05/2021

» Many people question me about whether Hamas is the culprit behind the ongoing bloody confrontation with Israel. Then they ask: Why did Hamas decide suddenly to attack Israel?


Major powers' defence budgets are indefensible

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 04/01/2021

» The recent war between Armenia and Azerbaijan made sense, in an old-fashioned way. The dispute was about territory -- borders that were drawn almost a century ago by a Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin -- and Azerbaijan had lost the last war and a lot of land.


Journos under threat as world marks Press Day

News, Jeremy Walden-Schertz, Published on 04/05/2019

» As the globe marked World Press Freedom Day yesterday, journalists were commemorating the one-year-anniversary of dual suicide bombings in Kabul which killed nine of their colleagues. Meanwhile, separate attacks in Khost and Kandahar at about the same time killed another two journalists as well as dozens of civilians. In addition to mourning, the media community also conveyed its enduring respect for these journalists who had risked their lives on a daily basis to report the news.



End scourge of extremism

News, Editorial, Published on 23/04/2019

» The coordinated attacks on churches and luxury tourist outlets that killed more than 200 in Sri Lanka gripped the world with unfathomable sadness. The death toll had climbed to 290 as of press time yesterday.


Hopes for nuke deal not over yet

News, Published on 04/03/2019

» North Korean state media on Friday brushed over the lack of a summit deal for leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump, focusing on constructive talks and signalling Pyongyang was not about to walk away from negotiations.



India-Pakistan: Maybe war, but not a water war

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 01/03/2019

» After the terrorist attack on Indian troops in Kashmir two weeks ago that killed 40 Indian soldiers, but before Tuesday's retaliatory air strikes across the border into Pakistan by the Indian Air Force, the Indian government did something unprecedented. It threatened to cut off Pakistan's water. Or at least, it sounded like that.