Search Result for “enforcement”

Showing 31 - 40 of 212



Police lockup no safe space

Oped, Editorial, Published on 12/05/2023

» The Royal Thai Police (RTP) are trying to convince the public that a police inspector's right-hand man, allegedly involved in online gambling and money laundering, simply committed suicide. It is no surprise that only a few people, if any, believe this.



Mean streets of the capital

Oped, Editorial, Published on 28/04/2023

» The recent death of a pedestrian in Bangkok who was knocked down on a zebra crossing illustrates this country's severe lack of road safety.



'Seven days' not enough

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/04/2023

» The "seven dangerous days" campaign to reduce road accidents during the Songkran festival was officially launched on Wednesday, albeit without the usual fanfare and widespread publicity befitting the first fully-fledged Songkran in three years after the pandemic-induced hiatus.



Hazy on the details

News, Editorial, Published on 10/04/2023

» The meeting last week among the leaders of Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos to address the issue of haze and air pollution is a welcome development. However, it is unlikely the virtual meeting, which the prime minister hosted at Government House, will lead to any immediate or effective solutions.



Let women feel truly safe

Oped, Editorial, Published on 08/03/2023

» Today marks International Women's Day, and while there are many good causes to celebrate, the situation remains far from perfect for many embattled housewives and other women and girls in Thailand.



Torture delay is tortuous

Oped, Editorial, Published on 25/02/2023

» After a series of meeting collapses, lawmakers in the Lower House made a plausible move in trying to stop a cabinet order to postpone the implementation of some parts of the anti-torture law for seven months.



Commit to end torture

News, Editorial, Published on 21/02/2023

» Tomorrow should have been a historic day for human rights in Thailand. It should have been a time for human rights advocates and the public to celebrate because the Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearance Act -- a crucial piece of legislation which took 14 years to pass -- was supposed to come into effect.



Graft is still pervasive

News, Editorial, Published on 06/02/2023

» Thailand's latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) score saw it "improve" by nine places to 101st out of 180 countries. However, despite the positive trajectory, it is too soon to start celebrating just yet.



Quit delaying the anti-torture law

News, Editorial, Published on 29/01/2023

» The long-awaited anti-torture law is set to take effect next month. However, the Royal Thai Police is requesting a delay in its enforcement, citing a lack of readiness. The government must reject this request as it is a last-ditch effort to preserve the police's often violent interrogation tactics and culture of impunity.



DSI must clear up image

Oped, Editorial, Published on 20/01/2023

» On Wednesday, Justice Minister Somsak Thepsuthin made the right call by transferring the director-general of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), Traiyarit Temahiwong, to the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS).