Search Result for “failing”

Showing 81 - 90 of 387



The digital solution to corruption

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 27/03/2023

» Corruption is an enormous, global challenge, likely costing more than $1 trillion annually, or $120 (4,000 baht) for every person in the world. World leaders have long promised to tamp down on corruption, but unfortunately, we're getting nowhere. Now, new research identifies a surprisingly straight-forward, cheap way to reduce corruption that can also make countries hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.



Confronting the global water crisis head-on

Oped, Published on 23/03/2023

» The world's water crisis can no longer be ignored. Unless we manage water properly, we will neither tackle climate change nor meet most of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Ni hao, Mr Zelensky, it's Xi Jinping on the line

News, Published on 22/03/2023

» The two most fraught conversations this week both have Chinese President Xi Jinping on one side. In Moscow, he's currently talking to his Russian counterpart and host, Vladimir Putin. In a video conference or phone call that's assumed to follow within days, he'll then interface with the Ukrainian leader, Volodymyr Zelensky.



The trouble with carbon markets

Oped, Published on 07/03/2023

» In January, it was revealed that as much as 90% of the carbon credits approved by one of the world's largest certifiers may be phantom, thus not representing actual carbon cuts in the atmosphere. While the scandal may have shocked some, it should be no surprise. Today's voluntary carbon markets are not designed to be fit for purpose.



Justice key to the toxic haze solution

News, Editorial, Published on 05/03/2023

» The toxic smog season is back with a vengeance. Most of February saw Thailand's air quality in the danger zone, and this month it won't get any better.



Farming sector needs urgent restart

Oped, Published on 01/03/2023

» One major goal of economic development in the farming sector is to raise the rate of farmers' income per capita, to be equal to or higher than the non-farming sector. For decades, this noble goal has not been achieved.



Will the new industrial policy work?

News, Published on 27/02/2023

» Industrial policy has returned to government agendas across the developed and developing world. While the US Inflation Reduction Act has shocked America's Asian and European trading partners, the Biden administration's signature climate-change legislation is just the latest in a series of recent policies that seemingly fly in the face of World Trade Organization rules.



Still more work to do at THAI

News, Editorial, Published on 26/02/2023

» Thai Airways is in the spotlight once again, but for the wrong reasons. In what has now become a viral TikTok video, a user showed how cabin crew failed to collect meal trays from a seat as a flight from Singapore to Bangkok was about to land.



Torture delay is tortuous

Oped, Editorial, Published on 25/02/2023

» After a series of meeting collapses, lawmakers in the Lower House made a plausible move in trying to stop a cabinet order to postpone the implementation of some parts of the anti-torture law for seven months.


Time for a new 'green revolution'

Oped, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 24/02/2023

» One of humanity's biggest achievements in the last century was making a huge increase in food production. From 1900 to 2000, there was a six-fold jump in crop harvests while the global population increased less than four-fold, meaning that on average people today have around 50% more food available than their great, great grandparents.