Search Result for “Philippines”

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China-Japan thaw: Good news for Asean

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 30/10/2018

» The new thaw between China and Japan -- the world's No.2 and No.3 economies -- is a good development for Asean. The three-day official visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to China last week marked a new turning point in their roller-coaster of ties. The much-awaited improvement bodes well for ongoing Asean community-building efforts in all dimensions. The region's progress and stability depend very much on the level of these Asian economic giants' amity and cooperation.



Thailand’s role in Indo-Pacific strategy

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 03/07/2018

» Although much has been said about Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy after US President Donald Trump put forward the broad and vague concept last November, nobody is really clear what it really means and its implications. Eight months have now elapsed. Some key features have emerged through speeches and comments by senior officials including US Defence Secretary Gen James Mattis in Singapore and Matthew Pottinger, Senior Director of Asian Department, National Security Council, in Yangon and Bangkok.



Trump-Kim meet a gift for Southeast Asia

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/06/2018

» All the hullabaloo surrounding the historic Trump-Kim summit in Singapore must be discarded if one wants to seriously assess the overall ripple effects, in particular, the four-point statement. For the region, at least for now, the tight knot of a nuclear war has been untied. After all, President Donald Trump gave his personal assurance of this after he returned to the United States from his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. That is good for Southeast Asia as a whole. If there is a war, the region's progress would be badly undermined as much as, if not more, than those of the two protagonists. The US provides a marketplace and the Korean Peninsula remains the last stronghold of long-awaited peace and stability.



Fighting chance for Malaysian opposition

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 08/05/2018

» It would be hard these days to say anything about Malaysian politics without the risk of being branded as "fake news". But tomorrow 14,940,624 voters will have the last say, as they are expected to cast ballots at 8,989 polling centres throughout the country. Fake news aside, they will decide who is the real prime minister. After all, the leading contestants are both former and current Malaysian prime ministers, both of whom belonged to the same party, Barisan Nasional (the National Front), which has retained power for the past 61 years.



Australia's new strategy towards Asean

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 13/03/2018

» When Australia looks to the north, what does it see? Southeast Asia, of course. But the region is no longer the geographic landmass in its front yard comprised of 10 countries governed by different political systems and cultural values to its own. From next week onward, Southeast Asian countries, each with a unique domestic dynamic, will become the nexus of Australian foreign policy.



Cobra Gold drills depoliticise Thai-US ties

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 27/02/2018

» The 37th Cobra Gold annual multilateral military exercise ended last week with one major outcome -- the depoliticising of Thai-US relations which have been held captive since the May 2014 coup.



Singapore's Asean tests: twists and turns

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 13/02/2018

» Judging from the well-crafted statement on the Asean foreign ministers' retreat in the Lion City last week, Singapore as the current chair of the regional grouping has its work cut out for it.



Locating Thailand in the Indo-Pacific region

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 30/01/2018

» Bluntly put, there are two reasons that propel Thailand to the front of the Asean queue in endorsing the US-led Indo-Pacific region concept. First of all, Thailand does not want the Indo-Pacific to concentrate on consultations between the US, India, Japan and Australia grouping -- known as the Quadrilateral or Quad. Bangkok perceives it as an emerging broader Indo-Pacific community. Secondly, the region's stability and prosperity will depend more on inclusive security cooperation both on land and at sea.



N Korea: An enemy at Asean's gate?

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 26/12/2017

» Southeast Asia is no longer immune from North Korean nuclear destructive force. As tensions heighten by the day, the US, Japan, South Korea and China, in their thoughtful ways, are bringing the looming nuclear threat to the eardrums of all Asean leaders. A frequently asked question: Are they serious?



Thailand wise to act as EU-Asean conduit

News, Kavi Chongkittavorn, Published on 19/12/2017

» The first paragraph of the Council of the European Union conclusion on Thailand, released last Monday after the EU foreign ministerial meeting, provided an insight into the state of EU-Thai relations. It says: