Search Result for “killing”

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Ethnic armies fight for a federal future

Oped, Larry Jagan, Published on 07/04/2021

» Myanmar's ethnic armies have effectively declared war on the country's military government, increasing the prospect of civil war. In the face of the army's continued violence against civilian protesters -- the death toll is now more than 600 in the last nine weeks -- many of the country's ethnic leaders felt impelled to take drastic action.


Myanmar blames army for atrocities in Rakhine

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 22/01/2020

» Myanmar is facing a very fraught time internationally as the conduct of its military comes under increasing scrutiny, while simultaneously the civilian government now admits it must take responsibility for what happened in the strife-torn western province of Rakhine over the past few years.



Suu Kyi faces spotlight in Rohingya genocide trial

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 11/12/2019

» Today, international attention is firmly focused on Aung San Suu Kyi as she faces the judges in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague and presents Myanmar's side of the story.



Suu Kyi stands up to lawsuit avalanche

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 25/11/2019

» Myanmar's top leaders -- both military and civilian -- have been shell-shocked by the avalanche of international legal cases they are now facing. In the space of days, three cases have been lodged in separate courts, all intended to make the Myanmar government and the country's military leaders accountable for the horrendous events that unfolded in strife-torn western Rakhine state during military operations over the last three years. These forced nearly a million Muslims, or Rohingya as they call themselves, to flee to safety in Bangladesh.



Media freedom in the dock in Myanmar

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 03/09/2018

» Two Myanmar reporters are about to hear whether they are to spend the next 14 years in jail for courageously carrying out their jobs.



Suu Kyi must act on UN's genocide charge

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 29/08/2018

» The UN's independent human rights investigators have issued the toughest verdict yet on the crisis in Myanmar's war-torn western region of Rakhine State. The investigators' report does not mince words and is scathing in its conclusions, and is going to have major ramifications, both within the country, and within the international community.



Myanmar launches Rakhine 'fact finding' mission

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 02/08/2018

» Myanmar has established a commission of inquiry to probe the allegations of human rights abuses in the conflict-torn Rakhine state. The announcement was made earlier this week, as it faces growing international calls for investigate accusations of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya Muslims.



Myanmar inches toward repatriation

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 04/06/2018

» Myanmar is ready to receive all the Muslim refugees who have fled to Bangladesh who want to return, according to senior government officials. Preparations are in place for their immediate return, said the minister in charge of the repatriation and resettlement programme.



Insurers eye Myanmar

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 12/03/2018

» Myanmar is preparing to open up its insurance industry to foreign businesses, expecting to attract firms that see high potential in a country where few people have coverage and the middle class is growing.



Myanmar launches diplomatic offensive

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 11/12/2017

» Myanmar has launched a diplomatic offensive as international criticism mounts over their treatment of the Muslim Rohingya. It is a three-pronged assault, aimed at the UN, combatting calls for renewed sanctions and an effort to engage the international community in plans for the reconstruction and reconciliation of Rakhine.