Search Result for “year ago”

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Scum of the Earth

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 24/02/2019

» At the Bangkok Post Forum on Feb 7, Future Forward Party leader Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit said it would be splendid if Thailand had green shirts with four stars who favour democracy. He called for a review (English translation: cancellation) of the recent, 2.3 billion-baht purchase of 14 more Chinese main battle tanks. Oh, and Thailand should halt conscription.



A right royal confusion

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 10/02/2019

» So a petite, 67-year-old woman stood against the tanks and the many-starred green shirts of the Royal Thai Army, and she whipped them. Public opinion agreed on that, and public opinion is how the nation's going to settle it on March 24.



The political class

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 02/12/2018

» While the politicians asking for your priceless vote were trying to make appointments at the spinal replacement clinic, the general prime minister went to Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel told him he should restore democracy in Thailand. He said he's going to have an election next year, and that was the end of it.



Signs of concern

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 01/07/2018

» The general prime minister said last week that he really doesn't even want to talk about an election before September. Also, there won't be an election until he's able to announce the success of his programme of national reconciliation.



Art of the graft

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 03/06/2018

» Coup leader Gen (Ret) Prayut Chan-o-cha first mentioned his programme concerning corruption in late May, 2014, not long after seizing power. It was so long ago that there wasn't even a National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). It was still called the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council (NPOMC).



It's the corruption, stupid

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 27/05/2018

» After promising the nation a Mercedes Benz C-500 of an anti-regime protest, activists produced a three-owner 2007 Toyota Corolla gathering. It impressed and struck fear into the hearts of, well, no one.



Life without populism

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 06/05/2018

» Once upon a time in a land very, very far away with a "government by the people, for the people" there was a plan to fix recalcitrant taxi drivers and make them pick up passengers, politely, and then to reward the drivers with a fare increase. And that plan was carried out in the faraway country, and passengers were happy to reward deserving, hard-working, uncomplaining taxi drivers.



Intimidation and censors

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 29/04/2018

» The general prime minister revealed a huge tell about what to expect if you have the good sense to vote the right way and approve of leaving him right where he is at Government House. He will act just like Voldemort and Abhisit and the rest of those (pa-tooey!) professional politicians that put us in this horrible position.



Time on their side

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 18/03/2018

» They took down the Interpol Red Notice to locate, arrest and hold for extradition Thailand's most infamous wilding child last week. Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya is further off the hook than ever.



Election perfection

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 04/03/2018

» The general prime minister reached behind himself to a very dark place and pulled out the sixth promise for a date for the 2015 election. This time the card he pulled out said "February 2019".