Search Result for “year ago”

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A 14th century warning for the 21st century

News, Published on 12/02/2024

» A history student told me recently that he loves researching the 20th century but can't see the point of the Middle Ages. I responded that it can be a big help to understanding our own times -- very troubled times -- to view them in the context even of the remote past.



Electric Vorsprung

Life, Published on 16/10/2023

» The Audi A4 will make the switch to an all electric powertrain, three decades after its introduction, as the Ingolstadt brand gears up to contend with BMW, Mercedes, Tesla and a raft of new disruptors in the crucial electric executive segment.


Energy transition confronts reality

Oped, Published on 03/02/2023

» The "energy transition" from hydrocarbons to renewables and electrification is at the forefront of policy debates nowadays. But the last 18 months have shown this undertaking to be more challenging and complex than one would think just from studying the graphs that appear in many scenarios. Even in the United States and Europe, which have adopted massive initiatives to move things along, the development, deployment, and scaling up of the new technologies on which the transition ultimately depends will be determined only over time.



Luxury Car Makers Drive Formula One to Survive

Business, Published on 27/06/2022

» Formula One motor racing might be just the kind of noisy marketing tool luxury car makers need in the hush of the electric era.



A different take

Life, Published on 05/10/2021

» For self-taught photographer Patchara Aunsangchan, life is full of unexpected twists. Three years ago, he bought Siamese fighting fish, or bettas, and posted photos on social media. However, he did not expect the photographs to change his life.



Italy tests lockdown; global cases near 110,000: Virus update

Published on 09/03/2020

» Italy started its first working day after a government decree sought to curb movement within the country’s financial hub. Germany plans to boost investment to help its economy and the Trump administration is drafting measures to blunt the economic fallout from the outbreak.



Fiery food trends in 2019

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 20/12/2019

» Over the past 12 months, Thailand's food scene has been dominated by a few noteworthy culinary movements. Some are ongoing trends while others are revolutionary.



Late King's wishes for Thai children

News, Published on 12/01/2019

» As Thailand celebrates National Children's Day today, I wish to share my recollection of a memorable audience with His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his profound message and wishes for the children of Thailand and the world. I had the great honour to meet the late king on Nov 12, 1998. I was then serving as Unicef's regional director for East Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok. The occasion of my audience with the late king at Chitralada Palace was to accompany visiting Unicef executive director Carol Bellamy. Also accompanying us was the late Thai foreign minister Surin Pitsuwan. ​



Visiting the vulnerable

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 28/11/2018

» European Union Ambassador to Thailand Pirkka Tapiola recently visited the border town of Mae Sot to survey EU-funded projects for Myanmar Muslim migrants. Much work still needs to be done to improve the living conditions and outlook for the number of migrants there, and the ambassador is working with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to make sure it happens.



Relationship king

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 26/11/2018

» Perhaps dreaming is in the blood of the Chaudhary family. They are never content with the status quo, and always ready to apply grit and ambition to do whatever it takes to fulfill their dreams.