Search Result for “world number”

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Drawing the Line on spying on internet chat users

News, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 23/09/2013

» Thai police claim that the popular instant messaging app Line is secretly helping them to gain access to chat logs. Naver, its creator, has denied helping them and said it had not received any requests from the Thai police. Both statements are very right, and yet are very, very wrong.



Azenqos bridges digital divide

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 05/01/2011

» A Thai telecommunications start-up has taken off-the-shelf smart phones and turned them into powerful network monitoring tools thanks to a lot of hard work and a grant from the NBTC. The drive test tool costs a small fraction of the cost of similar units from the big name telecommunication equipment makers.


The pitfalls that need to be addressed

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 05/01/2011

» If all sectors of society of the future are to be online, Thailand will need leadership who can set the tone and put in motion the strong regulation needed so that back haul and spectrum re-allocation, the gold-rush of the 21st century can be done in an efficient and fair way. Professor Rohan Samarajiva, CEO of think-tank LIRNEAsia, was in Bangkok and set out the questions and pitfalls that Thailand needs to address going forward.


All good things must come to an end

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 05/01/2011

» I got my first computer, an Apple II when I was around 5 years old. It was a simple machine, 48KB of RAM (or was it later upgraded to 48KB?), Integer basic (Applesoft Basic came later), cassette tape to store programs and used a TV as a monitor.


Thai banks face strong competition in Asean

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 15/12/2010

» Thai banks will need to get their act together to cope with increased competition when deregulation happens in 2015 with the advent of the Asean Economic Community.


VMWare takes cloud to new level

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 08/12/2010

» Virtual servers are now being deployed faster than physical servers and move to cloud will mean that systems management will need to change to cater for thousands or hundreds of thousands of virtual machines in a typical data centre. VMWare, leaders in the virtualisation space, want a seat at your board table to be part of this sea change that is revolutionising the enterprise IT space.


Loxley sees FTTx as the future

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 01/12/2010

» ToT's 3G network this week celebrates its first anniversary, yet the network today remains fundamentally identical to the one that was commercially launched on Dec 3, 2009. Roll-out has not been as expected and this has caused number two 3G mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) Loxley to rethink its business plan. Suroj Lamsam, Executive-Vice President for Loxley PCL in charge of its 3G MVNO programme, explains what happened and his hopes for the future.


Open Source has won precisely because we no longer notice it

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 24/11/2010

» Open source has won. Oh, how time flies. When I started writing in Database in May 2003, my first column was about how the ICT Ministry had got the budget PC programme all wrong. ICT Minister Surapong had announced his great success at negotiating the inclusion of Windows XP and Office XP at just 1,500 baht, a 90 percent discount. He saw it as success. I saw it as capitulation.



Easing the healthcare burden with technology

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 24/11/2010

» Cisco HealthPresence at first looks like a video-conferencing system with some clinical tools attached, but it is just one component of Cisco's portfolio of healthcare solutions that build on its existing network, radio and unified communications all the way through to voice and video expertise that will soon change the way healthcare is delivered.



AMD: The future is Fusion

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 17/11/2010

» AMD hosted its sixth annual Technology Forum and Exhibition in Taipei and the message was clear: the future is Fusion.