Search Result for “week”

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Put culture first in old town revamps

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 28/03/2024

» Will Thailand's old towns include their old communities as they are renovated? In many of these important districts, institutional owners of land are apt to evict legacy tenants to make way for redevelopment, threatening vintage architecture and eroding vibrant local cultures and ways of life.



Breaking the cycle

Life, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 19/03/2024

» 'Our mission is to break the cycle of despair," says Chanya Sueb­petch, one of the members of a team of social workers at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok. The 37-year-old works in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Pediatrics. Chan­ya's work is therefore focused strongly on supporting vulnerable children.



Baby's first vaccine

Life, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 11/08/2021

» If there are reasons that keep mothers from breastfeeding, the Covid-19 pandemic shouldn't be one of them. This Mother's Day, mothers are encouraged to continue to breastfeed while taking precautions.


What Thais can learn from Korean culture

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 18/06/2021

» Despite their huge popularity, I've always held off from watching Korean TV series. But being forced into home hiatus during the Covid-19 pandemic, I found myself glued to the set watching Hospital Playlist and Live Up To Your Name -- two Korean TV hits.


Can govt rise to jab roll-out challenge?

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 21/05/2021

» The colossal vaccine rollout plan in Bangkok -- 10 million doses to inoculate five million people over two months -- shows how the government has finally come to its senses that the only way to revive the economy is to create herd immunity as soon as possible.


Govt needs to get its vaccine priorities right

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 13/05/2021

» The government's recent change in its vaccination rollout plan to re-prioritise a risk group, the majority of them low-paid workers in the capital, may sound like a perfect preventive plan. But it's not yet inclusive enough.



City slum clusters demand special care

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 06/05/2021

» Just when we were made to believe that the Thong Lor cluster had subsided, the Klong Toey cluster emerged.


Stop the fancy words in battle against Covid

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 30/04/2021

» The small drop in the number of new Covid-19 new cases to under 2,000 yesterday may look like a good sign.



Be selective in field hospital admissions

News, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 19/04/2021

» With the surge of new Covid-19 cases, the government is frantically establishing field hospitals nationwide as demand for hospital beds outgrows supply.


Vaccines don't mean you can't infect others

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 08/04/2021

» 'Don't worry, I already received my first vaccination shot [against Covid-19]. I won't be infected," the taxi driver told me confidently, almost in a carefree manner, when I asked him to put his face-mask on.