Search Result for “water resources development”

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America's Myanmar policy is simply all wrong

Oped, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 15/07/2023

» A recent joint statement by US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi "expressed deep concern about the deteriorating situation in Myanmar" and called for a constructive dialogue to aid the country's transition toward an inclusive federal democratic system. Unfortunately, the US-led sanctions policy has undercut this goal and made a bad situation worse.



China's high-altitude land grab

Asia focus, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 26/06/2017

» Bite by kilometre-size bite, China is eating away at India's Himalayan borderlands. For decades, Asia's two giants have fought a bulletless war for territory along their high-altitude border. Recently, though, China has become more assertive, underscoring the need for a new Indian containment strategy.


Water woes taking an increasingly hard toll on Asia

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 28/04/2016

» Asia's water woes are worsening. Already the world's driest continent in per capita terms, Asia now faces a severe drought that has parched a vast region extending from southern Vietnam to central India. This has exacerbated political tensions, because it has highlighted the impact of China's dam-building policy on the environment and on water flows to the dozen countries located downstream.