Search Result for “unequal”

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Understanding Scoliosis

Published on 26/04/2023

» Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves and deviates sideways.



EU to unveil reforms for cheaper drugs

AFP, Published on 26/04/2023

» BRUSSELS - The EU on Wednesday is to unveil a long-awaited proposed reform of legislation governing pharmaceutical drugs to make them cheaper, prevent shortages and speed up delivery of new compounds.



The land of haves and have nots

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 09/04/2023

» In the capital, a store sells Prada purses and a 279-centimetre television for US$115,000 (3.9 million baht). Not far away, a Ferrari dealership has opened, while a new restaurant allows well-off diners to enjoy a meal seated atop a giant crane overlooking the city.



An unequal balance of power

News, Published on 08/04/2023

» The power balance between the Pheu Thai and Move Forward parties is anything but equal right now, as the former believes it is inching ever closer to reaching its goal of leading the next government without other parties, according to sources close to the matter.



Women are leading Covid recovery

Oped, Published on 17/03/2023

» Three years after the pandemic was formally declared, the world is now firmly in the recovery stage. But the huge potential contribution of women's leadership is still being undervalued, under-resourced, or overlooked altogether.



Taking AI to the next level

Business, Published on 06/03/2023

» Local businesses are looking to generative artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, mulling how to apply this technology to bolster their performance.


Time for a new 'green revolution'

Oped, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 24/02/2023

» One of humanity's biggest achievements in the last century was making a huge increase in food production. From 1900 to 2000, there was a six-fold jump in crop harvests while the global population increased less than four-fold, meaning that on average people today have around 50% more food available than their great, great grandparents.


Such 'noblesse oblige'

News, Published on 15/01/2023

» Re: "Philippines, China seek to mend ties," (Opinion, Jan 10).



Covid surge exposes China's healthcare gap

AFP, Published on 06/01/2023

» TANGSHAN, China: Understaffed and underfunded clinics stand half-empty in parts of the Chinese countryside even as hospitals in major cities heave under an unprecedented Covid wave — an illustration of the stark disparities in the country's healthcare system.



Adaptability is key to national survival

Oped, Published on 04/01/2023

» Covid-19. Technological disruption. Climate crisis. These have happened at a rapid pace that challenges the adaptability of people around the world. Is Thailand prepared to withstand these challenges? Ask the children -- the future of the country -- and their answers, according to the 2018 PISA Survey of 15-year-old children around the world, are not so encouraging.