Search Result for “towering trees”

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The precarious life of gorillas

Oped, Published on 27/09/2023

» Have you ever wondered what it is like to stand face to face with a creature so powerful yet so achingly human in its gaze? Imagine, for a moment, to be in the heart of Africa's mystical forests, surrounded by towering trees and the ethereal sounds of nature. And there, in that sacred realm, you find yourself in the presence of gorillas -- these gentle giants, our kin in the animal kingdom, who hold a mirror to our own humanity.



Protect the guardians of the forest

News, Published on 31/07/2023

» What is your favourite place to connect with nature? Picture yourself in the heart of a vast and ancient jungle, surrounded by towering huge trees holding untold past secrets. The air is thick with nature's beauty, and the sounds of wildlife create a melody of life. A faraway roar sends shivers down your spine and is a reminder of the regal presence of the tiger, known as the "king of the jungle". This has become a rare scene these days. Today, the sounds of devastation drown out the echoes of their once-powerful dominion. This is the story of the tigers-a tale of struggle, resilience, and hope in the face of an ongoing attack on their homes.


Where roosters crow before daybreak

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/01/2022

» For the past three weeks I have been waking up to the sound of roosters, many of which sneakily start warming up their vocal chords well before dawn. With this evidence you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce that I have been in the Northeast of Thailand, or Isan. It has become a regular destination at the New Year and with the exception of the early morning calls from the chickens, it is always a pleasurable experience.



Rising sea shocks Pacific's Kiribati

News, New York Times, Published on 04/07/2016

» One clear bright day last winter, a tidal surge swept over an ocean embankment here in the remote, low-lying island country of Kiribati, smashing through the doors and windows of Betio Hospital and spewing sand and debris across its maternity ward.



Thung Yai shows way to end forest evictions

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 17/02/2016

» Plu Jibong has a burning question: Why must Karen forest dwellers in Kaeng Krachan National Park suffer violent eviction and forced resettlement when his Karen peers in Thung Yai-Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary can live in peace? 


Rajabhakti needs glory of transparency

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 10/11/2015

» Adorned with towering statues of seven great Thai kings of the past, the Rajabhakti Park was intended to be a pride of the army, a larger-than-life display of its dedication to the monarchy.



Sustainable tourism policy needed now

News, Published on 08/12/2013

» Everyone is familiar with certain tourist magnets _ including some areas of Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui and even Koh Chang _ which are plagued by zones of unregulated development that blot out their natural wonderWhen asked what makes them want to come to Thailand, many tourists will mention the nightlife and shopping, especially in Bangkok. But along with the famously good-natured natives, by far the biggest drawing card for the country is its natural beauty, particularly in coastal areas. This is both a blessing and a curse. The millions of foreigners flocking to the seemingly endless stretches of gorgeous coastline and forested islands with white-sand beaches bring a huge amount of money into the country and directly create many thousands of jobs. However, many of these jobs are low-paying and a big chunk of the profits are leaving the country. According to a 2007 report prepared by the Environmental Research Institute of Chulalongkorn University and the Bumi Kita Foundation titled ''Sustainable Tourism Management in Thailand'', 80% of the profits are made by foreign tour-operators, hotel owners and suppliers of imported goods for tourists.