Search Result for “tourism development”

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Will gentrification respect city's people?

Oped, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/06/2023

» We've lived for over a century in the shadow of grandeur: near the Customs House, known to Thais as rongpasi. "We" means my maternal family and the community of Haroon Mosque. Each day before sunrise, the muezzin's sing-song call rings through the neighbourhood, carried on the river wind towards the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, the French Embassy and Assumption Cathedral.



Thai project wins at Doc By The Sea

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 15/09/2021

» An important gathering of documentary filmmakers in Southeast Asia "Doc By The Sea" this year had to move online, though it remains a rich, stimulating event that contributes to the documentary community in the region. Usually held in Bali -- thus the "by the sea" moniker -- DBTS this year was titled "Doc By The Sea Accelerator 2021", with a week-long event that ran from Aug 16 to Sept 4 consisting of workshops, masterclasses and pitching sessions for new documentary projects from around the region, while mentors also logged in from Europe, the US and Asia to give commentary and guidance.



Deep trouble

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 25/06/2018

» He got up close with a 13m whale shark near the Galapagos and swam with a curious hunchback whale in Tonga. "She was larger than a bus," he said, "the largest animal I've ever seen." At Burma Banks in the Indian Ocean, he drifted with sharks and at Similan Islands he realised that the coral reefs in the Thai seas were among the most beautiful in the world.


Show must go on to save Scala cinema

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 06/01/2018

» Urban conservationists, architects, archivists, cinema-goers, and all-round romantics have united for one cause: Save Scala.


When history becomes just a hazy dream

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 22/04/2017

» Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present (tada!) controls the past. In summary, the military, like quantum physicists or mad sorcerers, controls time: The past, present, future, ad infinitum.



Lights, cameras and Pixels

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 31/08/2016

» The rain came down just before the scheduled kick-off, a scatter of teasing drops at first then a roof-rattling downpour. The well-dressed guests at "MahaNakhon: Bangkok Rising, The Night Of Lights", an outdoor bash to launch Thailand's new tallest building, found cover in the most civil manner. Beer, wine and finger food were whisked out on trays in Dean & Deluca, a bistro in the adjacent building owned by the same developer, Pace Development. Some wondered aloud: Where's Pharrell Williams? Where's Jose Carreras? Outside, onlookers who had filled BTS Chong Nonsi station and the surrounding footpaths, waiting for the light show, fled, scattered, or just held their position dauntlessly.



Film fete case shows glacial pace of reform

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 08/08/2015

» It’s about time. The case has been cold but not closed, and justice delayed is more consoling than justice abandoned. After eight years, the Office of the Attorney General finally charged Juthamas Siriwan, ex-governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), for allegedly taking 60 million baht in kickbacks from an American firm in exchange for a contract to run the ill-fated Bangkok International Film Festival between 2003 and 2007. She has 15 days to show her face at the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, or face an arrest warrant.