Search Result for “tourism”

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In Bali, warring sides cohabitate

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 05/02/2023

» At a cafe nearly 100,000 kilometres from the front lines, the Kyiv-style cake sits near the kartoshkas, a Russian dessert made of cookies, condensed milk and butter.



Coping with vast open space and sheep

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 09/10/2022

» The baas, bleats and bells were fading ever so slightly, and the shepherd's trained ear detected that his flock was veering off the path home, for this was the soundtrack of his life in the Rocky Mountains. "The sheep must be herded," he said in Spanish, as he quickly ascended a hill overlooking a meadow.



Critical questioning

Oped, Postbag, Published on 15/12/2021

» Re: "Anchilee did more than break old stereotypes," (Opinion, Dec 14).



Giving us a break?

Oped, Published on 26/06/2021

» There were five PostBag letters on June 24. Not one of them was from Felix Qui, Burin Kantabutra, Kuldeep Nagi or Eric Bahrt. Was it because they didn't write any or because the PostBag Editor finally decided to give readers a break from those guys?


Outlook still bleak

News, Postbag, Published on 15/12/2020

» Andy Cule's Dec 13 letter asks the reasonable question as to why vaccinated tourists would need to quarantine when coming to Thailand. Unfortunately, the vaccines have only been found to be effective in stopping symptoms of the virus, but have not been tested to see if they prevent infection and therefore the ability to infect others.


Less fear, more safety the key to tourism restart

News, Published on 30/07/2020

» It's becoming apparent that if Thailand relies on fear to help us overcome Covid-19, it will ultimately be at the expense of our travel industry.



The key to breathing easy

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 28/01/2020

» First, the number of coronavirus-infected cases in China was only 27 when first reported at the end of December. Then, only three days later, the number rose to 44, before hitting 59 two days after that.


We should let China spy on us

News, David Fickling, Published on 22/04/2019

» Even as the US and China seem headed toward a truce on trade, their rivalry is heating up in other areas.


Andaman Appeal

Asia focus, Published on 20/10/2014

» Krabi, a peaceful paradise in southern Thailand, has become an alluring destination for international tourists in recent years due to its distinctive charms and plentiful natural attractions.