Search Result for “told reporters”

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Waste warriors

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 21/11/2023

» While working as a Bangkok Metropolitan Administration waste collector, Nampu Toka often gets injured by sharp sticks, fish bones, needles, broken glass, tiles and other hazardous trash. He also encounters the unpleasant task of handling discarded items that should have been properly bagged or wrapped up in paper such as diapers and waste from patients.



No room for victim blaming

Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 30/10/2023

» Recently, Mai*, an 18-year-old part-time male employee at a private hospital, became a victim of sexual assault. The incident occurred around 1am after a foreigner asked Mai for directions to the restroom. Mai helped the foreigner and then headed for the same restroom. Unfortunately, Mai was subjected to a non-consensual sexual act there. He told reporters that he cried for help, but nobody heard.


Drunkenness does not equal consent

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 18/11/2019

» A couple weeks ago, there was a viral photo which showed four guys taking an unconscious drunk girl into an apartment. The person who posted the photo from CCTV was an older brother of the girl. He asked for justice for his sister and said his 18-year-old sister was raped by four guys who claimed that they just took her to the residence with no harm.


Ethics of waste

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 09/09/2019

» Some weeks ago, a Facebook page shared posts from a closed group of people who believed in urine therapy or urotherapy.



Separating fact from fiction

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 01/07/2019

» Last October, Singapore's online news channel Asia One reported a gruesome story from Thailand. It alleged that a vegetarian restaurant in Bangkok served human flesh to diners. The news went viral, and was quickly picked up by various news outlets worldwide, including The Sun and the Daily Mail in the UK, and Newsweek in the US.