Search Result for “thailand borders”

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Myanmar's rebel offensive hits close to home

News, Published on 14/04/2024

» Since the 2021 coup in Myanmar, the military regime continues to face resistance from armed rebel groups which have managed to push troops from several strongholds.



Root for city workers

Oped, Postbag, Published on 03/02/2024

» Re: "High-perched garbos killed as truck enters underpass", (BP, Jan 24).



PM readies aid for Myanmar

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 16/01/2024

» The government is considering providing widespread humanitarian assistance to support vulnerable populations in Myanmar and hosting talks with the Myanmar leader and ethnic minority groups to find a solution to the crisis in the country, according to a military source with knowledge of the plan.



Govt cooks up 'Halal corridor'

Published on 06/08/2023

» The government's Halal Economic Corridor (HEC) would help improve Thai livelihoods in the deep South, says a senior state official who is responsible for the project in the area.



Move Forward fever grips SE Asia

News, Published on 18/06/2023

» The Move Forward Party's (MFP) triumph in the general election has sparked new hope for political change in the region, as experts expect the ascendance of an MFP-led progressive government will help shift the landscape of international relations in Southeast Asia toward a more liberal democracy.



More action on Myanmar urged

News, Published on 25/10/2021

» Thai experts on Myanmar are urging Asean to reconsider its policy of non-interference so as to solve the political crisis in Myanmar, saying the bloc should be more pro-active in ensuring the junta's adherence to the five-point consensus agreed earlier in the year.


Education system a sham

News, Postbag, Published on 19/09/2021

» Over the years, hundreds if not thousands a letters have been written to PostBag bemoaning the dreadful state of education in Thailand.



Class of Covid-19

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 20/08/2021

» Stepping out into the world as a fresh graduate during a pandemic has been undeniably difficult. Transition into adulthood is tough enough without Miss Rona, who has caused the decline of job opportunities, an unstable political situation and loss of life experiences, to name a few on the tip of the iceberg. However, this is a reality that millions of young Thais face today. Guru speaks to a few to learn about their beginnings at adulthood and resources they can turn to for help.



Foreign labour poses new threat

News, Post Reporters, Published on 10/05/2021

» Authorities have vowed to take tough legal action against illegal migrant workers and smugglers as new Covid-19 infection clusters were detected at workplaces employing foreign migrants.



Beyond the call of duty

Life, Published on 29/09/2020

» Since late last year, the world has declared war against the novel coronavirus that has wreaked havoc on millions of the global population in many countries.