Search Result for “thailand”

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Thailand's EEC is an opportunity not to be missed

Oped, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 18/11/2022

» This is a special year for our region. This month, Southeast Asian capitals play host to three major summits. Cambodia hosted the Asean Summit from Nov 10-13 and the G20 Summit has just been held in Bali, Indonesia. This weekend, Thailand hosts the annual leaders' summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec).



Stopping trafficking the priority

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 21/06/2015

» It won’t be long before we will find out the assessment on Thailand’s effort’s this past year in tackling human trafficking when the United States releases its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report. The assessment will definitely prompt further comment.



Australia helps refire ‘beacon of democracy’

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 10/05/2015

» The one-day visit by Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop is aimed at getting a better understanding of the progress made in the government’s political “road map” but also sent the signal that Canberra supports Thailand’s return to democracy.



It's time for action, not words, on trafficking

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 05/04/2015

» The drive against human trafficking, a national agenda item, is one positive policy set by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. Only one month after the Prayut government was formed, the US downgraded Thailand in its annual Trafficking in Persons report.



Goverment looks to better times

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 31/03/2015

» Deputy Prime Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula knew the first day he assumed the role of overseeing economic affairs under the Prayut Chan-o-cha government that reviving the economy would be a difficult task. Political protests and uncertainty, followed by the military coup on May 22, 2014, had taken their toll.



My general impressions haven't changed

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 15/02/2015

» On Friday night I received an email from a longtime friend, an expatriate who has been living in Thailand for decades: "OK, so tell me whether the one-on-one train journey discussions have favourably (or otherwise) changed your views in any way?"



Prayut targets critics at home

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 11/02/2015

» Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha is confident and believes in himself. He does not mince words. On the final leg of his visit to Japan while riding the high-speed Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka, he speaks about his role as prime minister, what makes him angry and the future of reform and reconciliation. Below are excepts of the exclusive interview.



Reforming bureaucracy a must for our future

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 01/02/2015

» It is increasingly clear what the political party landscape would be like and what type of government we will be getting once elections are held. The impeachment of former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra means Pheu Thai is considerably weakened. Down, but not out. The party is forced to play a long waiting game until elections are a go.



We will get new laws, but will we obey them?

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 18/01/2015

» This week marks eight months since the National Council for Peace and Order toppled the Yingluck government. Armed with martial law, the military moved swiftly to ban political gatherings and imposed restrictions on the media to curb opposition to the coup and statements that would further deepen the political divide.



Christmas? Long-term is what really matters

News, Pichai Chuensuksawadi, Published on 30/11/2014

» Over the next three weeks we will be gradually decorating the Prayut Christmas tree. Presents are piling up under the tree with more to come, and people can start opening their presents in the final week of the year.