Search Result for “thailand”

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Why malaria still persists in much of Africa

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 12/06/2023

» We think of malaria as a problem faced only by humid, hot countries. But just over a century ago, the disease thrived as far north as Siberia and the Arctic Circle, and was endemic in 36 states of the US. We don't have specific data that far back for Thailand, but back then, malaria is estimated to have killed 2.5 million people each year in the Western Pacific, Middle East and South Asia.



The digital solution to corruption

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 27/03/2023

» Corruption is an enormous, global challenge, likely costing more than $1 trillion annually, or $120 (4,000 baht) for every person in the world. World leaders have long promised to tamp down on corruption, but unfortunately, we're getting nowhere. Now, new research identifies a surprisingly straight-forward, cheap way to reduce corruption that can also make countries hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.


Time for a new 'green revolution'

Oped, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 24/02/2023

» One of humanity's biggest achievements in the last century was making a huge increase in food production. From 1900 to 2000, there was a six-fold jump in crop harvests while the global population increased less than four-fold, meaning that on average people today have around 50% more food available than their great, great grandparents.


Setting goals to help world's poorest

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 16/09/2015

» In rich countries, the biggest causes of death are strokes, heart attacks and cancer, accounting for more than two-thirds of all deaths. But for the poorer world, people often assume that infectious diseases like diarrhoea, tuberculosis, Aids, malaria, measles and tetanus are the biggest killers.


How to tackle extreme poverty

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 04/08/2015

» Extreme poverty — by current reckoning, living on less than $1.25 (43 baht) a day — is a continuing problem for far too many people today. In Thailand, such poverty still afflicts 300,000 people, according to the World Bank.


Rolling out broadband access is money well spent

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 27/07/2015

» If you were setting global priorities, what would you choose? Chances are that you would go for high-profile issues like health, nutrition and education. Obviously, no-one is going to ignore pressing problems in these areas, but there are other targets which could make a real difference to people's lives. Perhaps surprisingly, one of these is broadband access.