Search Result for “thai election”

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Telling fortunes 'a nice little earner'

Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/05/2024

» A recent Thai news story concerned a man nabbed in an online fortune-telling scam. He would inform customers suffering from misfortune that their situation would dramatically improve if for a small fee he made a few prayers on his "direct line" to the deities in heaven.



Lots of promises as big day approaches

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/04/2023

» With the Great Event, otherwise known as election day, just around the corner, like most countries in the world we will have to brace ourselves for regular helpings of political poppycock including plenty of promises from prospective candidates. Still, it could be fun.



It can't be worse than last year, can it?

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/01/2023

» Well, here we are on the very first day of a brand new year. There has to be something auspicious about that. A good day to purchase lottery tickets with a few number ones perhaps?


Job vacancy: Must be good at promises

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/05/2022

» This time next week the good citizens of Bangkok will be choosing the person daft enough to want to be the next governor of the angelic metropolis known as Krungthep. Amazingly there are 31 otherwise perfectly sensible, intelligent people prepared to take on this thankless task.


From the doghouse to the White House

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/01/2021

» When President Barack Obama first took office in 2008, the BBC observed that he would be inheriting "the in-box from Hell" -- and they were not far off the mark. However, Mr Obama's in-tray was rather like a goody-bag compared to what lies in store for President Joe Biden. You wouldn't wish this in-tray on anybody.


Possibly the worst job in the world?

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/11/2020

» On the day Americans went to the polls four years ago the Miami Herald ran what must have been its shortest-ever editorial which simply read: "Her, Not Him, Enough Said". In light of what ensued, it must have been tempting to blame the proof-readers and come out the next day with: "Correction: Him Not Her."


In the wake of the not so great debate

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/10/2020

» While there might have been an element of entertainment in a perverse sort of way watching the US presidential candidates slagging one another off like squabbling children, these politicians still have a lot to learn in the art of insulting behaviour.



'F' word makes a major breakthrough

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/05/2019

» Important news from the world of wordplay. The latest edition of the Collins international Scrabble dictionary lists 2,862 new words, most of which I have never heard of. But most importantly for us in Thailand, a significant newcomer is one we are familiar with … farang.



Possibly an uncanny case of hoof in mouth

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/10/2018

» The gentleman in the White House has run into self-inflicted flak over his indelicate use of the word "horseface" in describing the adult film actress he may or may not have dangled with. However, she came storming back with a tweet of her own, referring to him as "Tiny", which one suspects was not a compliment. These exchanges could become quite entertaining.



Taking a strong stance on doughnuts

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/04/2018

» It was Oscar Wilde who famously observed "the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it," which is my excuse for munching on a free doughnut proffered by staffers at a bakery in Bangkok last week. It was only a little one and wasn't that tasty -- too much sugar -- but I still scoffed it down, quietly cursing Mr Wilde's seductive bon mot.