Search Result for “stations”

Showing 71 - 80 of 126



Complaints flood in as water rises

News, Editorial, Published on 09/06/2019

» In just over two hours of heavy downpours on Friday afternoon, Bangkok became inundated and traffic came to a standstill.


Hold the EC accountable

News, Editorial, Published on 01/06/2019

» Given that its seven commissioners were chosen directly by the military regime's lawmakers, the Election Commission (EC) should have tried to prove it is politically impartial and independent to gain the public's trust.



Regime is here to stay

News, Editorial, Published on 22/05/2019

» In the aftermath of the March 24 general election, horse trading for cabinet seats among politicians has been ongoing as the two opposing camps make last-ditch efforts to form a coalition government.



Journalism's duty of quality

News, Editorial, Published on 18/05/2019

» As the #NationBusted hashtag circulated online on March 20 following widespread criticism about Nation TV's broadcasting of a doctored audio clip, The Nation newspaper did not attempt to play down the story the following day. Neither did it bury the story for the sake of saving the face of its sister media house. Instead, it carried the story on the front page of its print edition.



Activists need protection

News, Editorial, Published on 14/05/2019

» Thailand's already battered human rights record has fallen another notch following reports of the mysterious disappearance of three activists accused of lese majeste while in exile in Vietnam.



Tsunami of poll suits

News, Editorial, Published on 09/04/2019

» The country's judicial system is set to be flooded with election-related court cases.



Time to reveal the formula

News, Editorial, Published on 03/04/2019

» More than a week after the March 24 general election, the public still has more questions than answers when it comes to the results of the poll.



EC must explain flaws

News, Editorial, Published on 27/03/2019

» Whether they are the result of incompetence on the part of the Election Commission (EC) or of systematic efforts to rig the general election on Sunday, the many flaws and irregularities detected at polling stations and during vote counting have to be fully explained to the public.



Free vote in Senate for PM

Oped, Editorial, Published on 25/03/2019

» As the country re-emerges on the path to democracy, with voters crowding into polling stations yesterday for their first chance in five years to help shape at the ballot box how their country is run, Thais will hope that the trust they place in the new system is honoured by the politicians they have elected to implement it.



Dirty poll tricks a blow

News, Editorial, Published on 04/03/2019

» With 20 days to go, the first full-blown election campaign in eight years is quickly taking shape. Candidates are mostly in dawn-to-midnight campaign mode. TV stations are preparing to air the neutral advertisements that give each party 10 clear minutes to state their policies. Top party candidates are mostly -- excluding the prime minister -- preparing for face-to-face debates. Troublemakers are busy with outright law-breaking and stretching campaign laws and resources to or past the limits.