Search Result for “spot”

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How green is the energy from our hydro dams?

Oped, Published on 29/05/2024

» Thailand’s National Energy Plan (NEP), a blueprint for the country’s energy strategy from 2023 to 2037, has earned praise for its noble goal of increasing the use of clean, renewable energy. The plan states that by 2050, half of the electricity consumed locally must be clean and renewable energy — solar cells, wind, biomass, small nuclear and hydro dams.



Telling fortunes 'a nice little earner'

Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/05/2024

» A recent Thai news story concerned a man nabbed in an online fortune-telling scam. He would inform customers suffering from misfortune that their situation would dramatically improve if for a small fee he made a few prayers on his "direct line" to the deities in heaven.



Securing Thailand's energy future

Oped, Published on 22/05/2024

» Since the 2021 military coup in Myanmar, foreign governments -- in particular the European Union and the United States, have issued travel bans and frozen the financial assets of corporate entities and individuals involved with the military regime. The most recent US financial sanction on the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (Moge), a major source of foreign currency revenue for the military government, which took effect in November 2023, is a potential risk to Thailand as it is reliant on gas from Myanmar for electricity generation.


The rise of AI in political warfare

News, Published on 07/05/2024

» This year promises to be a whopper for elective government, with billions of people -- or more than 40% of the world's population -- able to vote in an election. But nearly five months into 2024, some government officials are quietly wondering why the looming risk of AI hasn't, apparently, played out. Even as voters in Indonesia and Pakistan have gone to the polls, they are seeing little evidence of viral deepfakes skewing an electoral outcome, according to a recent article in Politico, which cited "national security officials, tech company executives and outside watchdog groups". AI, they said, wasn't having the "mass impact" that they expected. That is a painfully shortsighted view. The reason? AI may be disrupting elections right now, and we just don't know it.


Health system faces new pressure

News, Published on 29/04/2024

» There is much to celebrate, but there will be many new challenges in Thailand's health care system.



Govt pulls through with Songkran fest

Editorial, Published on 21/04/2024

» Peak celebrations for the Songkran holiday this year may have passed, but there are already a few refreshing signs lingering in the aftermath of the festivities.



India needs more leaders like Manmohan Singh

News, Mihir Sharma, Published on 10/04/2024

» Almost 10 years after he gave way to Narendra Modi as prime minister of India, Manmohan Singh retired last week from public life. During his long career, Mr Singh also served as chief economist, central bank governor, finance minister, and foreign minister. Although he disappointed many who hoped he would accomplish more, India today owes much of its success to the reforms he implemented.


The AI assembly line ends with the tech giants

News, Published on 22/03/2024

» It's almost impossible for an artificial intelligence startup to build anything as good as ChatGPT, but Inflection was getting there.



His PR went to sleep

Published on 18/03/2024

» Re: "Power lunch", (BP's lead photo, March 16) and "Thaksin tours old power base", (BP's lead photo, March 15).



Farewell George, a colleague and friend

Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/03/2024

» I begin with the sad news that former Bangkok Post colleague George Stevens has passed away after a long illness.