Search Result for “social media”

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The high cost of GPT-4o 'giveaway'

Oped, Published on 08/06/2024

» With the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI has once again shown itself to be the world's most innovative artificial-intelligence company. This new multimodal AI tool -- which seamlessly integrates text, voice, and visual capabilities -- is significantly faster than previous models, greatly enhancing the user experience. But perhaps the most attractive feature of GPT-4o is that it is free -- or so it seems.



Consultancy 'warp' drive deepens crisis of capitalism

News, Published on 13/03/2023

» In recent years, McKinsey & Company has become a household name -- but for all the wrong reasons. One of the "Big Three" consulting firms, its work for major corporations and governments has increasingly become a source of scandal and intrigue around the world.


The mantra of never complain, never explain

News, Maureen Dowd, Published on 20/09/2021

» What ever happened to the good old-fashioned art of "owning it?"


Less fear, more safety the key to tourism restart

News, Published on 30/07/2020

» It's becoming apparent that if Thailand relies on fear to help us overcome Covid-19, it will ultimately be at the expense of our travel industry.


We should let China spy on us

News, David Fickling, Published on 22/04/2019

» Even as the US and China seem headed toward a truce on trade, their rivalry is heating up in other areas.



How about a social-digital solution to automation?

News, Published on 06/03/2019

» Nowadays, one struggles to think of any jobs that will still be available for our children when they grow up. Panicked parents are increasingly trying to anticipate the next big digital thing, so that they can give their kids a leg-up over all the other humans whose jobs will soon be automated. Accountants and radiographers are already doomed, but surely the developers perfecting driverless cars or adding new features to Facebook are safe, right?



Social media the theatre of 'Information World War'

News, Published on 19/12/2018

» A year ago, in his annual New Year's resolution post, Mark Zuckerberg pledged to spend 2018 fixing Facebook by addressing foreign manipulation, election interference and other threats. He and other tech leaders should probably renew that vow for 2019, and 2020, and possibly every year after that.



How to 'fix' social media without using censorship

News, Published on 22/06/2018

» The Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal may have changed the way millions of people perceive the risks to privacy when they go online. But it could have obscured an equally profound digital age debate: widespread resistance to internet companies' role as the global speech police of the digital age. The future of free speech depends on getting this debate right.



Patience wearing thin with Iranian regime

News, Published on 05/05/2018

» In the early weeks of 2018, protests swept through the small towns of Iran, mobilising the disgruntled lower rung of society. Demonstrators chanted slogans against the country's theocracy. Meanwhile, large cities, where some of the largest anti-regime demonstrations previously had taken place, remained relatively quiet.



Facebook's problems abroad disturb

News, Published on 31/10/2017

» For months, Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California, has been in crisis mode, furiously attempting to contain the damage stemming from its role in last year's presidential campaign. The company has mounted an all-out defence campaign before this week's congressional hearings on election interference in 2016, hiring three outside communications firms, taking out full-page newspaper ads, and mobilising top executives, including Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg, to beat back accusations that it failed to prevent Russia from manipulating the outcome of the election.