Search Result for “smoking ban”

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Revolver riddle, random temple attack, genital savagery

News, Mae Moo, Published on 08/01/2023

» A Bangkok mother says her 16-year-old son may have been murdered rather than falling victim to a game of Russian roulette as his teen mates claim.



Taking care of your kidneys

Published on 03/01/2023

» Typically, people lose kidney function by about 1% a year after age 50. If you have a decline in kidney function faster than the regular rate associated with aging, you are in trouble.



The march towards legalisation

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 04/01/2022

» When Digital Economy and Society Minister Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn said he would explore ways to legalise the sale of e-cigarettes and vaping -- as many other countries have done -- since it poses less risk than conventional smoking, he also mentioned how e-cigarettes being sold online and on the black market damages the local tobacco market, leading to loss of 6 billion baht in income each year. Chaiwut's statements have stirred debate among supporters of e-cigarettes and anti-smoking campaigners.



Paying a heavy price

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 25/10/2021

» Smokers are now paying higher prices for their nicotine cravings after retailers and convenience stores made adjustments last week after the introduction of a controversial new excise tax structure earlier this month to curb smoking.



The plastic-less revolution

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 17/01/2020

» The first day of 2020 saw a major change in the lives of those who live in the Kingdom of Thailand: the (almost total) disappearance of single-use plastic bags. It's a huge change but a seemingly necessary one. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, Thailand is one of the four countries responsible for half of all plastic in the oceans in Southeast Asia. While 2019 saw a drastic drop in the use of plastic bag, the plan is to eliminate 225,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year. Single-use plastic bags are just the beginning though as bottle caps, cups and straws are next on the list. So what exactly are people saying about the ban? Is it absolutely necessary? What does it mean for customers who go grocery shopping? Are there ways to help lessen plastic waste? Hopefully, this clarifies some things and answers some of your questions.



What 2019 meant to your body

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 24/12/2019

» E-cigarette debate far from over



Preservation celebration

B Magazine, Published on 27/10/2019

» In the past, when people caught or bought so much fish or meat that they weren't able to eat it all, they had various techniques to preserve it so it could be stored for long periods of time. They did not let any meat spoil because it involved so much hard work and so many resources to acquire it. And of course, in those days, refrigeration was not an option.



Where there's smoke

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 03/09/2019

» Having been outlawed in Thailand since 2014, e-cigarettes remain a subject of controversy and debate. While many are calling for the ban to be lifted due to the perceived health benefits of vaping, others argue that it may actually do more harm than good.



Making you safe at home?

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 15/07/2019

» Smokers became indignant when the 2019 Family Development and Protection Act made headlines last month. According to various media outlets, reports were made saying that the new law, which will take effect next month, prohibits smoking at home. Smokers felt this unfair and were furious.



The land before time

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 25/10/2018

» Being declared Thailand's first global geopark is a major boon for Satun. But it does mean that some things have to be done differently.