Search Result for “small parties”

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The lost cause of the 'Catalan Pimpernel'

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 14/08/2024

» Carles Puigdemont, the self-exiled leader of the Catalan separatist movement, aspires to become the new Scarlet Pimpernel. Last week he left Belgium, where he has lived as an unwelcome guest since he led a failed attempt to secede from Spain seven years ago, and had himself smuggled back to Barcelona, the capital of the region of Catalonia.


India's election result a surprise for Modi, BJP

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/06/2024

» 'Pride goeth before a fall", says the Old Testament, so India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi was just begging for humiliation. It duly arrived.


India election fuels nationalist sentiments

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 19/04/2024

» Extreme nationalism always looks foolish or even deranged to those who have not caught the virus, but in India it's now official.


Forced schooling of Mongolians driven by fear

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 05/09/2020

» 'Residential schools" were a common feature of European settler societies (except New Zealand) until quite late in the 20th century, and their purpose was not just to educate but to "deracinate" their aboriginal pupils: to cut them off from their roots. The Chinese government would reject the analogy with its last breath, but it is now doing the same thing.


Proroguing parliament was Johnson's only option

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 30/08/2019

» Shock! Horror! Johnson prorogues Parliament! End of democracy in Britain! The Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, says he was not even consulted, and calls it "a constitutional outrage".


The last prime minister of the United Kingdom

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 24/07/2019

» It has been suggested that Boris Johnson (who becomes the prime minister of the United Kingdom this week) is what you would get if Donald Trump had been educated at Eton and Oxford. Maybe, although there is a great gulf between Mr Trump's bombastic self-promotion and Mr Johnson's self-deprecating, rather shambolic persona.


EU elections point to hectic Brexit agenda

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 29/05/2019

» The best way of describing what just happened in the European Union elections is to say that the choices are getting clearer -- and a lot of people are realising which side they are on.


No real choice in Nigerian election

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 22/02/2019

» Lengthy delays before announcing the results of African elections are commonplace (the Democratic Republic of Congo last month, Zimbabwe last July, etc.). It just means that people voted the wrong way, and the government needs time to re-arrange the results before publishing them. Postponing the vote at the last moment is much less common, and not so easy to explain.



Lula barred from fighting for presidency

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 05/09/2018

» On Sunday, Brazil's top electoral court ruled that "Lula", former president Luiz Inácio da Silva, cannot run in the presidential election this October.


China and its repression of the Uighurs

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 23/08/2018

» Two weeks ago, Prof Gay McDougall, co-chair of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, alleged that up to a million people belonging to the Uighur and other Muslim minority groups in China's northwestern province of Xinjiang have been detained in concentration camps to be "re-educated" about religion.