Search Result for “shanghai”

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India displays diplomatic finesse

News, Kasit Piromya, Published on 10/07/2023

» Sitting on the edge of the Indian Ocean's eastern shores in Suvarnabhumi's "Golden Peninsula", and looking out west towards the Indian sub-continent, one cannot help but be in awe and admiration of the Democratic Republic of India's rise as a world power and how it has played the art of diplomacy with finesse.



Climate change at the world courts

Oped, Published on 06/07/2023

» Last February, the UN secretary-general informed the UN Security Council during a debate about the implications of rising sea levels on international peace and security, with mega-cities on every continent facing serious impacts.


De-escalating tensions between US and China

Oped, Published on 21/06/2023

» Tensions between the US and China have reached such a high level that the G7, led by the US, recently changed its objective in its relations with China from "decoupling" to "de-risking". But the reality is that de-risking, like decoupling, requires the participation of both sides and a common agenda.


China's youth unemployment problem

Oped, Published on 03/06/2023

» This month, China released official statistics showing that its unemployment rate for young people (16-24 years old) reached a record high of 20.4% in April. Worse, the news comes just one month before another 11.6 million students will graduate from college and vocational schools and enter the job market.



China ministers' India trips show warming of relations

Oped, Published on 12/05/2023

» Relations between two neighbouring countries and the world's first and second-most populous countries, China and India, have witnessed a downward spiral in recent years after the bloody clash between the two countries' border troops in the Galwan Valley in June 2020, along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the western section of the Sino-Indian border.



Brazil's Lula throws Brics at the US dollar

Oped, Published on 22/04/2023

» The writing was on the wall. But when Brazil's left-wing president Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva visited China recently, he flamboyantly underscored economic and security ties between Latin America's largest democracy and the world's largest dictatorship. Significantly he took steps to decouple much of Brazil's vibrant commerce from using the US dollar and shifting the trade instead to the Chinese currency, the yuan.



Will the new industrial policy work?

News, Published on 27/02/2023

» Industrial policy has returned to government agendas across the developed and developing world. While the US Inflation Reduction Act has shocked America's Asian and European trading partners, the Biden administration's signature climate-change legislation is just the latest in a series of recent policies that seemingly fly in the face of World Trade Organization rules.



US strategy won't deter China's rise

Oped, Published on 22/02/2023

» After President Joe Biden took office, the United States' "Indo-Pacific Strategy" (IPS) --which was officially proposed by former president Donald Trump in November 2017 -- showed a new trend. This recent trajectory includes expanding overseas military bases to deter China's rise at sea, competing against its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) infrastructure construction, and decoupling China's supply chain in the Indo-Pacific region.


Can China save its economic miracle now?

Oped, Published on 12/01/2023

» China's recent decision to abandon its strict zero-Covid policy has led many to believe that its economy will bounce back. The Economist Intelligence Unit, for example, has revised its forecast for Chinese GDP growth in 2023 upward, to 5.2%. But growth recovery is not automatic, and China must contend with several challenges, including declining confidence among firms and households about their future incomes in the short run, insufficient productivity growth in the medium run, and an unfavourable demographic transition in the long run.


China should brace for brutal Covid winter

Oped, Published on 07/01/2023

» Last month, China ended its zero-Covid policy, bringing a tumultuous end to restrictions after nearly three years. The suddenness of the move surprised nearly everyone. The process could have been much more gradual, with a slower shift from mass forced lockdowns to more flexible policies. Instead, it has effectively thrown caution to the wind.