Search Result for “shanghai”

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Blinken's diplomatic dance in China

Oped, Published on 01/05/2024

» US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China for whirlwind discussions with the People's Republic political grandees in Shanghai and Beijing with the hope of "stabilising the relationship" between both countries. So into the Beijing/Washington political turbulence, Mr Blinken flew to smooth the Sino-American political rivalry, especially over China's military assertiveness towards the South China Sea, Taiwan, the Ukraine war, and naturally two-way trade.


Humanising the US-China relationship

Oped, Published on 10/04/2024

» On a recent trip to China with my Northwestern Kellogg students, we were all struck by how few Americans had returned to the country since the end of its zero-Covid policy in December 2022.



Why is China's economic performance stalling?

Oped, Published on 06/03/2024

» It has been a year since China relaxed the zero-Covid measures that had been stifling economic activity, but the country has yet to experience the rebound that policymakers and pundits anticipated. Instead, economic indicators from the past year have painted a disheartening picture.



Making the most of foreign direct investments

News, Published on 26/02/2024

» Few experts doubt that foreign direct investment can bolster economies by bringing in critical know-how, expanding local production, and creating jobs. It is no surprise, therefore, that attracting FDI has long been a top priority for developed and developing economies alike, as reflected in the generous incentives included in the United States' Inflation Reduction Act. But, when it comes to driving economic growth and development, FDI has a mixed record.



Build strong foundations for all

Oped, Published on 26/01/2024

» As educators and students celebrate World Education Day this week, this moment provides an opportunity to reflect on the transformative power of education. And East Asian countries have a particularly relevant historical experience.



Why are so many young Chinese people depressed?

Oped, Published on 04/01/2024

» China's high youth unemployment rate and increasingly disillusioned young people -- many of whom are "giving up" on work -- have attracted much attention from media outlets and Chinese policymakers. The narrative is to associate the problem with the country's recent growth slowdown. In fact, the issue goes much deeper.



Fragile supply chains will rebuild

News, Published on 27/12/2023

» Pick a single item from an array of shocks and you can see just how fragile global supply chains truly are. But combine climate change, decoupling from China, unprecedented technological development, wars, rising costs and labour shortages, and we now have an amalgam of catalysts that will change global trade for the better.



Zero-Covid leaves a long tail in China

Oped, Published on 28/11/2023

» For three years, China's zero-Covid policy consistently received high-profile media coverage from the Chinese and the international press. During the first phase of the pandemic, China's mass mobilisation of resources and strict region-wide lockdowns were seen as highly effective. But after vaccines arrived and Western countries resumed normal economic activities, China's ongoing restrictions became a source of growing concern.



Investor doubts grow as China loses its lustre

News, Published on 14/09/2023

» Whether China has become "uninvestable" or not, avoidance of the world's second-largest economy suggests the economic and political risks there have simply become too hard to assess.



India displays diplomatic finesse

News, Kasit Piromya, Published on 10/07/2023

» Sitting on the edge of the Indian Ocean's eastern shores in Suvarnabhumi's "Golden Peninsula", and looking out west towards the Indian sub-continent, one cannot help but be in awe and admiration of the Democratic Republic of India's rise as a world power and how it has played the art of diplomacy with finesse.