Search Result for “screws”

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USA? It's the United Spam of America

Life, James Hein, Published on 30/10/2013

» Hands up if you know which country is the biggest spammer in the world? No, not China; they're fifth. The winner of this year's inglorious gold medal goes to the US which generates over 14% of the world's spam emails, nearly triple that of Belarus, which lies in second place. Besides advertising dodgy products, many carry malicious attachments designed to make your computer _ and sometimes personal life _ miserable. If you were wondering when the first spam was sent, this is attributed to Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel, who were lawyers that back in 1994 sent immigration service offers to all the Usenet groups at the time. The biggest problem in the US is the large number of unprotected computers that get used as spambot hosts.


When upgrading can be a backwards step

Database, James Hein, Published on 10/11/2010

» It can sometimes be interesting to see how people view computers and applications. Many years ago I put together a small Access application that was used by my father, an archaeologist, to track pottery sherds discovered in digs in Thailand. It wasn't a very complex application in IT terms _ a simple database and a couple of forms _ but it was very useful to my father for his work.


Notes on my notebook

Database, James Hein, Published on 23/06/2010

» So, after many years, I have a new notebook. I settled on the Acer TM 6293-A3G32Mn. It also marks my personal foray into the world of Windows 7. I like the notebook because it comes with Win 7 Pro instead of the usual Win 7 Home edition. There are a number of reasons for this including the support for the virtual Windows XP and all the other features that a Pro version of Windows brings over the generally useless Home versions.